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Is there a Russian Version of Dero/Tore

Сообщение » 22.11.2015, 12:28

Hello all :)

Sorry for writing in English as i am not a native russian speaker

I have a question , I heard that there is a russian version of the famous Japanese gameshow Dero and its sequel Tore and they said that it was broadcasted , So i want to ask whether it was true or not and what is the name of the russian version ?

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Сообщение » 22.11.2015, 15:24

Hello, Boundy24. Yes, this game was broadcasted in end of August. Name of this - "Побег" (Escape). All recordings you can find here: http://gameshows.ru/video/593/ .
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Сообщение » 22.11.2015, 15:26

Hi. Looks like there it is:
The name of russian version is Побег, and only 10 episodes of it were broadcasted - not so much to watch ;)
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Сообщение » 22.11.2015, 16:06

Thanks :)
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