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Looking for old episodes of "The Chase"

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Сообщение » 21.01.2018, 15:47

Hi everyone!

My name is stitch91 and I'm new to these forums. I am from the USA so I speak english mostly. I am a big fan of the gameshow "The Chase". I have downloaded all the episodes that are available in the video archive but I am missing quite a few. I noticed that most of them are not available for download and are marked as obsolete. I realize that most of you probably have them already downloaded but since I'm new here, if you could put any of them back into the catalog I would really appreciate it! I am especially interested in the episodes from 2010, 2011 and 2012 because I am missing them. Please let me know if they are able to be re uploaded. Thank you so much everyone for welcoming me on this forum. I feel right at home!!!!

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Сообщение » 21.01.2018, 16:12

Hi stitch91, welcome to the forum!
Let's try to call Виктор for help as he has the biggest archive of "The Chase" as I know.
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Сообщение » 21.01.2018, 16:18

Thank you! That sounds like a great idea!
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