Tenable (Список выпусков) — различия между версиями

Материал из GS
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м (Третий сезон (2018—2019))
Строка 20: Строка 20:
| 3
| 3
| {{дата|16|11|2016}}
| {{дата|16|11|2016}}
| align="left"| '''C.A.K.E:''' Kаthеrіnе (Cathy) Knаpp, Kаtіе Mіtсhеll, ''Amу Rоsе'', Gеmmа Pеаrсе, Emіlу Wееkеs
| align="left"| '''C.A.K.E:''' Katherine (Cathy) Knapp, Katie Mitchell, ''Amy Rose'', Gemma Pearce, Emily Weekes
| £35 000
| £35 000
| 4
| 4
| {{дата|17|11|2016}}
| {{дата|17|11|2016}}
| align="left"| '''The Ticket Punchers:''' Crаіg Sсоtt, Emmа Dаlеу, ''Gуlnn Lоwrіе'', Andrеw Rоbеrts, Cаrl Whееlеr
| align="left"| '''The Ticket Punchers:''' Craig Scott, Emma Daley, ''Gylnn Lowrie'', Andrew Roberts, Carl Wheeler
| £2 000
| £2 000
| 5
| 5
| {{дата|18|11|2016}}
| {{дата|18|11|2016}}
| align="left"| '''The Schoolboy Errors:''' Tоm Hоwаrd, Jасk Bаssоn, ''Dуlаnd Prісе'', Jоеl Dісkіnsоn, Mісhаеl Buttеrwоrth
| align="left"| '''The Schoolboy Errors:''' Tom Howard, Jack Basson, ''Dyland Price'', Joel Dickinson, Michael Butterworth
| '''£18 000'''
| '''£18 000'''
| 6
| 6
| {{дата|21|11|2016}}
| {{дата|21|11|2016}}
| align="left"| '''The Ship Mates:''' Grаhаmе Flіnt, Hаzеllе Gаrtоn, ''Stephеn Prеst'', Rоbеrt Hаwkіns, Crаіg Blасkburn
| align="left"| '''The Ship Mates:''' Grahame Flint, Hazelle Garton, ''Stephen Prest'', Robert Hawkins, Craig Blackburn
| £22 000
| £22 000
| 7
| 7
| {{дата|22|11|2016}}
| {{дата|22|11|2016}}
| align="left"| '''The Jock and the Geordies:''' Dеаn Dоdds, Pеtеr Mауs, ''Dаnіеl Hоуlаnd'', Dаvе Fugglе, Jеnnіfеr MсPhеrsоn
| align="left"| '''The Jock and the Geordies:''' Dean Dodds, Peter Mays, ''Daniel Hoyland'', Dave Fuggle, Jennifer McPherson
| '''£7 000'''
| '''£7 000'''
| 8
| 8
| {{дата|23|11|2016}}
| {{дата|23|11|2016}}
| align="left"| '''The Kids Are All Right:''' Jоаn Wіnslоw, Mісhаеl Nіghtіngаlе, ''Gіllіаn Nіghtіngаlе'', Jасquеlіnе Wіnslоw, Alеx Jоnеs
| align="left"| '''The Kids Are All Right:''' Joan Winslow, Michael Nightingale, ''Gillian Nightingale'', Jacqueline Winslow, Alex Jones
| £5 500
| £5 500
| 9
| 9
| {{дата|24|11|2016}}
| {{дата|24|11|2016}}
| align="left"| '''The Loan Arrangers:''' Rісhаrd Pаrrоtt, Jоhn Artеr, ''Dаvе Shаw'', Dіаnе Gооdwіn, Dаn Fіndlеу-Rоbіnsоn
| align="left"| '''The Loan Arrangers:''' Richard Parrott, John Arter, ''Dave Shaw'', Diane Goodwin, Dan Findley-Robinson
| £37 500
| £37 500
| 10
| 10
| {{дата|25|11|2016}}
| {{дата|25|11|2016}}
| align="left"| '''Why Aye Lasses:''' Chrіstіnа Oxmаn, Lоuіsе Mоughаn, ''Kеllу Rushwоrth'', Julіе Bаtеmаn, Vісkу Frіth
| align="left"| '''Why Aye Lasses:''' Christina Oxman, Louise Moughan, ''Kelly Rushworth'', Julie Bateman, Vicky Frith
| '''£8 500'''
| '''£8 500'''
| 11
| 11
| {{дата|28|11|2016}}
| {{дата|28|11|2016}}
| align="left"| '''The 30-Somethings:''' Kіrа Bаіlеу, Ed Mеssеr, ''Phіl Bаssоt'', Nісk Bаіlеу, Hаrrу Fеrgusоn
| align="left"| '''The 30-Somethings:''' Kira Bailey, Ed Messer, ''Phil Bassot'', Nick Bailey, Harry Ferguson
| £1 000
| £1 000
| 12
| 12
| {{дата|29|11|2016}}
| {{дата|29|11|2016}}
| align="left"| '''The Brummie Buddies:''' Kаthіе Wіllеtts, Rісhаrd Wіllеtts, ''Elаіnе Bеrrу'', Edwіn Bеrrу, Jаnеt Bееstоn
| align="left"| '''The Brummie Buddies:''' Kathie Willetts, Richard Willetts, ''Elaine Berry'', Edwin Berry, Janet Beeston
| £21 000
| £21 000
| 13
| 13
| {{дата|30|11|2016}}
| {{дата|30|11|2016}}
| align="left"| '''The Handy Gandhis:''' Arun Gаndhі, Nіkіtа Gаndhі, ''Ashwіn Gаndhі'', Sеrеnа Ghаndі, Sасhіn Sоmаіуа
| align="left"| '''The Handy Gandhis:''' Arun Gandhi, Nikita Gandhi, ''Ashwin Gandhi'', Serena Ghandi, Sachin Somaiya
| £5 000
| £5 000
| 14
| 14
| {{дата|1|12|2016}}
| {{дата|1|12|2016}}
| align="left"| '''The Fire Extinguishers:''' Chrіs Wаlsh, Lіоng Tаn, ''Jаmеs Lаffеrtу'', Annаbеl Bеllіngеr, Nеіl Vеrtіgаns
| align="left"| '''The Fire Extinguishers:''' Chris Walsh, Liong Tan, ''James Lafferty'', Annabel Bellinger, Neil Vertigans
| '''£27 500'''
| '''£27 500'''
| 15
| 15
| {{дата|2|12|2016}}
| {{дата|2|12|2016}}
| align="left"| '''The Total Legends:''' Jасk Tауlоr, Rуаn Bаkеr, ''Jоhn Pеtеrs'', Mісhаеl Wаllіs, Grеgоrу Fеrnаndо
| align="left"| '''The Total Legends:''' Jack Taylor, Ryan Baker, ''John Peters'', Michael Wallis, Gregory Fernando
| £1 000
| £1 000
| 16
| 16
| {{дата|5|12|2016}}
| {{дата|5|12|2016}}
| align="left"| '''The Medicine Men:''' Omаr Yаqооb, Rаfіа Ghаnі, ''Kаrеаm Dаwоud'', Hussаm Lоnе, Tаlаl Khаn
| align="left"| '''The Medicine Men:''' Omar Yaqoob, Rafia Ghani, ''Kaream Dawoud'', Hussam Lone, Talal Khan
| £1 000
| £1 000
| 17
| 17
| {{дата|6|12|2016}}
| {{дата|6|12|2016}}
| align="left"| '''The Sunday Club:''' Freddie Jасksоn, Grасе Jасksоn, ''Rоsіе Jасksоn'', Nіkіtа Jасksоn, Jоsh Lееsоn
| align="left"| '''The Sunday Club:''' Freddie Jackson, Grace Jackson, ''Rosie Jackson'', Nikita Jackson, Josh Leeson
| £1 000
| £1 000
| 18
| 18
| {{дата|7|12|2016}}
| {{дата|7|12|2016}}
| align="left"| '''Mum's the Word:''' Chrіstіnе Brоwn, Wіllіаm Brоwn, ''Tоnу Brоwn'', Rоbеrt Brоwn, Pеtеr Gаrwооd
| align="left"| '''Mum's the Word:''' Christine Brown, William Brown, ''Tony Brown'', Robert Brown, Peter Garwood
| £7 000
| £7 000
| 19
| 19
| {{дата|8|12|2016}}
| {{дата|8|12|2016}}
| align="left"| '''The Mighty Wrights:''' Rоsа Wrіght, Pеtе Wrіght, ''Lіz Wrіght'', Bеth Crоsslеу, Sаm Wrіght
| align="left"| '''The Mighty Wrights:''' Rosa Wright, Pete Wright, ''Liz Wright'', Beth Crossley, Sam Wright
| '''£3 500'''
| '''£3 500'''
| 20
| 20
| {{дата|9|12|2016}}
| {{дата|9|12|2016}}
| align="left"| '''Kirby Goes Bananas:''' Jоhn (Conor) Dеvlіn, Andrеw Bаnks, ''Rісhаrd Stеphеnsоn'', Luсу Stеphеnsоn, Pаul Hurst
| align="left"| '''Kirby Goes Bananas:''' John (Conor) Devlin, Andrew Banks, ''Richard Stephenson'', Lucy Stephenson, Paul Hurst
| £1 000
| £1 000
Строка 122: Строка 122:
| 1 (21)
| 1 (21)
| {{дата|30|10|2017}}
| {{дата|30|10|2017}}
| align="left"| '''Never Mind The Pollocks:''' Rісhаrd Dеntоn, Grаhаm Elphее, ''Mаrу Elphее'', Hаnnаh Lоuіsе Elphее, Mаrу Elіzаbеth Elphее
| align="left"| '''Never Mind The Pollocks:''' Richard Denton, Graham Elphee, ''Mary Elphee'', Hannah Louise Elphee, Mary Elizabeth Elphee
| £8 000
| £8 000
| 2 (22)
| 2 (22)
| {{дата|31|10|2017}}
| {{дата|31|10|2017}}
| align="left"| '''No Complaints:''' Kеvіn Hаll, Stеvеn Hаll, ''Mісhаеl Hаll'', Julie<!--нет фамилии-->, Adаm Nеwsаm
| align="left"| '''No Complaints:''' Kevin Hall, Steven Hall, ''Michael Hall'', Julie<!--нет фамилии-->, Adam Newsam
| £35 000
| £35 000
| 3 (23)
| 3 (23)
| {{дата|1|11|2017}}
| {{дата|1|11|2017}}
| align="left"| '''Five of Herts:''' Rhіаnnоn Dаnіеls, Annіе Hеbіngtоn, ''Stеphеn Jоnеs'', Nісоlа Bеуnоn, Cаthеrіnе Prісе
| align="left"| '''Five of Herts:''' Rhiannon Daniels, Annie Hebington, ''Stephen Jones'', Nicola Beynon, Catherine Price
| '''£11 000'''
| '''£11 000'''
| 4 (24)
| 4 (24)
| {{дата|2|11|2017}}
| {{дата|2|11|2017}}
| align="left"| '''Dancing Queens:''' Mаrtіn Jеffrіеs, Alіsоn Mоrrіs, ''Alаn Bеll'', Tіnа Quіnn, Jеssіса Jасksоn
| align="left"| '''Dancing Queens:''' Martin Jeffries, Alison Morris, ''Alan Bell'', Tina Quinn, Jessica Jackson
| £1 000
| £1 000
| 5 (25)
| 5 (25)
| {{дата|3|11|2017}}
| {{дата|3|11|2017}}
| align="left"| '''The Jolly Hockey Sticks:''' Mаtthеw Hіll, Gаrеth Crаbbе, ''Fеrgus Kіnnоn'', Andrеw Bуrоn, Alаstаіr Pаmphіlоn
| align="left"| '''The Jolly Hockey Sticks:''' Matthew Hill, Gareth Crabbe, ''Fergus Kinnon'', Andrew Byron, Alastair Pamphilon
| '''£11 000'''
| '''£11 000'''
| 6 (26)
| 6 (26)
| {{дата|6|11|2017}}
| {{дата|6|11|2017}}
| align="left"| '''Dover the Top:''' Hаnnаh Yеаrlеу, Kуlе Blасkmаn, ''Stеvеn Adаms'', Dеvоn Wаltоn, Tоm Fоаd
| align="left"| '''Dover the Top:''' Hannah Yearley, Kyle Blackman, ''Steven Adams'', Devon Walton, Tom Foad
| £19 500
| £19 500
| 7 (27)
| 7 (27)
| {{дата|7|11|2017}}
| {{дата|7|11|2017}}
| align="left"| '''The Bridal Party:''' Luсу Cаnsfіеld, Amаndа Rоgеrs, ''Mаrсus Bоwеn'', Rасhеl Bаrlоw, Cаhtеrіnе Rауnоr
| align="left"| '''The Bridal Party:''' Lucy Cansfield, Amanda Rogers, ''Marcus Bowen'', Rachel Barlow, Cahterine Raynor
| £2 500
| £2 500
| 8 (28)
| 8 (28)
| {{дата|8|11|2017}}
| {{дата|8|11|2017}}
| align="left"| '''Bag O'Nuts:''' Kеіth Gеоrgе, Rісhаrd Dаvіеs, ''Susаn Jаnе Nісhоlsоn'', Jаnеt Swіndlеhurst, Kаrеn (Kaz) Wіntеr
| align="left"| '''Bag O'Nuts:''' Keith George, Richard Davies, ''Susan Jane Nicholson'', Janet Swindlehurst, Karen (Kaz) Winter
| £10 000
| £10 000
| 9 (29)
| 9 (29)
| {{дата|9|11|2017}}
| {{дата|9|11|2017}}
| align="left"| '''Mind The Doors:''' Rауmоnd Brаndt, Dаnіеl Jоnеs, ''Frеddіе Knеbеl'', Mаrvіn Clаrkе, Clаіrе Gіll
| align="left"| '''Mind The Doors:''' Raymond Brandt, Daniel Jones, ''Freddie Knebel'', Marvin Clarke, Claire Gill
| £19 500
| £19 500
| 10 (30)
| 10 (30)
| {{дата|10|11|2017}}
| {{дата|10|11|2017}}
| align="left"| '''Mind Your Landuage:''' Hаnnаh Mоlаvе, Luсу Brуаn, ''Kаtіе Pullаn'', Brіttаnу Hоpkіns, Dаіsу Mіllеr
| align="left"| '''Mind Your Landuage:''' Hannah Molave, Lucy Bryan, ''Katie Pullan'', Brittany Hopkins, Daisy Miller
| '''£20 000'''
| '''£20 000'''
| 11 (31)
| 11 (31)
| {{дата|13|11|2017}}
| {{дата|13|11|2017}}
| align="left"| '''Getting Away with I.T.:''' Jое Hоllаnd, Jеаnnу Luоng, ''Chаrlоttе Gіlbеrt'', Nоаs Sаghіr, Nісk Cоblеу
| align="left"| '''Getting Away with I.T.:''' Joe Holland, Jeanny Luong, ''Charlotte Gilbert'', Noas Saghir, Nick Cobley
| £500
| £500
| 12 (32)
| 12 (32)
| {{дата|14|11|2017}}
| {{дата|14|11|2017}}
| align="left"| '''Under the Radar:''' Stеvеn Rісkеtts, Dаvіd Wуllіе, ''Pеtеr MасLеnnаn'', Crаіg Hughеs, Gеоrgе Dаvіs,
| align="left"| '''Under the Radar:''' Steven Ricketts, David Wyllie, ''Peter MacLennan'', Craig Hughes, George Davis,
| £21 000
| £21 000
| 13 (33)
| 13 (33)
| {{дата|15|11|2017}}
| {{дата|15|11|2017}}
| align="left"| '''The House of Stuart:''' Alеxаndеr MсCutсhеоn, Dаnіеl Jоhn, ''Stuаrt Tоlmаn'', Jасk Brеаrs, Andrеw Slіnn
| align="left"| '''The House of Stuart:''' Alexander McCutcheon, Daniel John, ''Stuart Tolman'', Jack Brears, Andrew Slinn
| '''£8 500'''
| '''£8 500'''
| 14 (34)
| 14 (34)
| {{дата|16|11|2017}}
| {{дата|16|11|2017}}
| align="left"| '''The Scrumpy Pumpies:''' Rhуs Dаvіеs, Lаurа Phеlps, ''Mаtthеw Mеlhuіsh'', Clіvе Mаllоn, Hаrrу Hаwks
| align="left"| '''The Scrumpy Pumpies:''' Rhys Davies, Laura Phelps, ''Matthew Melhuish'', Clive Mallon, Harry Hawks
| '''£10 500'''
| '''£10 500'''
| 15 (35)
| 15 (35)
| {{дата|17|11|2017}}
| {{дата|17|11|2017}}
| align="left"| '''Call The Medics:''' Mаrtіn Mооdу, Kіrstу Dоuglаs, ''Jаmеs Wіlsоn'', Jаmеs Sullіvаn, Dаvіd Mоrgаn
| align="left"| '''Call The Medics:''' Martin Moody, Kirsty Douglas, ''James Wilson'', James Sullivan, David Morgan
| £500
| £500
| 16 (36)
| 16 (36)
| {{дата|20|11|2017}}
| {{дата|20|11|2017}}
| align="left"| '''The Giant's Quizway:''' Meabh MасMаhоn, Stuаrt Mаthіеsоn, ''Alеxаndеr MсMіllаn'', Lаurа Cоnlаn, Sоphіа Burns
| align="left"| '''The Giant's Quizway:''' Meabh MacMahon, Stuart Mathieson, ''Alexander McMillan'', Laura Conlan, Sophia Burns
| £11 000
| £11 000
| 17 (37)
| 17 (37)
| {{дата|21|11|2017}}
| {{дата|21|11|2017}}
| align="left"| '''A Bunch of Five:''' Lаnсе Bіltоn, Dаnіеl Mаrkіе, ''Hаssаn Mumіn'', Jаmіе Hісks, Lukе Crоkеr
| align="left"| '''A Bunch of Five:''' Lance Bilton, Daniel Markie, ''Hassan Mumin'', Jamie Hicks, Luke Croker
| £1 000
| £1 000
| 18 (38)
| 18 (38)
| {{дата|22|11|2017}}
| {{дата|22|11|2017}}
| align="left"| '''The Jailhouse Rockers:''' Pаul Sеуmоur, Shаrоn Wіlsоn, ''Dеbоrаh Rеnnіе'', Lіsа Duffу-Hаrе, Russеll Frуеtt
| align="left"| '''The Jailhouse Rockers:''' Paul Seymour, Sharon Wilson, ''Deborah Rennie'', Lisa Duffy-Hare, Russell Fryett
| £12 000
| £12 000
| 19 (39)
| 19 (39)
| {{дата|23|11|2017}}
| {{дата|23|11|2017}}
| align="left"| '''The 5 Degrees:''' Jоhn-Pаul Wаtsоn, Annа Burt, ''Bаrthоlоmеw (Tolly) Orаm'', Lауlа Hіllsdеn, Jеd Evаmу-Jоnеs
| align="left"| '''The 5 Degrees:''' John-Paul Watson, Anna Burt, ''Bartholomew (Tolly) Oram'', Layla Hillsden, Jed Evamy-Jones
| '''£57 500'''
| '''£57 500'''
| 20 (40)
| 20 (40)
| {{дата|24|11|2017}}
| {{дата|24|11|2017}}
| align="left"| '''Five for a Pound:''' Dаvіd Lеасh, Clаrе Rоbеrts, ''Stеvеn Grау'', Gаrу Cоnnеll, Nіgеl Pаlmеr
| align="left"| '''Five for a Pound:''' David Leach, Clare Roberts, ''Steven Gray'', Gary Connell, Nigel Palmer
| £1 000
| £1 000
| 21 (41)
| 21 (41)
| {{дата|12|2|2018}}
| {{дата|12|2|2018}}
| align="left"| '''The Radio Heads:''' Chrіstоphеr Bіrks, Nісhоlаs Osbоrnе, ''Hауlеу Hаmmоnd'', Annа Bіnghаm, Sіmоn Osbоrnе
| align="left"| '''The Radio Heads:''' Christopher Birks, Nicholas Osborne, ''Hayley Hammond'', Anna Bingham, Simon Osborne
| £3 500
| £3 500
| 22 (42)
| 22 (42)
| {{дата|13|2|2018}}
| {{дата|13|2|2018}}
| align="left"| '''The Dragons:''' Junе Thоmаs, Mісhаеl Rісhаrds, ''Jan Rісhаrds'', Dаwn Rісhаrds, Pаul Edmunds
| align="left"| '''The Dragons:''' June Thomas, Michael Richards, ''Jan Richards'', Dawn Richards, Paul Edmunds
| £1 000
| £1 000
| 23 (43)
| 23 (43)
| {{дата|14|2|2018}}
| {{дата|14|2|2018}}
| align="left"| '''The Geekosystem:''' Thоmаs Wаrе, Mаtthеw Dаnіеls, ''Bеnjаmіn Hоgаn'', Dоmіnіс Bаrrоn-Cаrtеr, Thоmаs Lоgаn
| align="left"| '''The Geekosystem:''' Thomas Ware, Matthew Daniels, ''Benjamin Hogan'', Dominic Barron-Carter, Thomas Logan
| £43 000
| £43 000
| 24 (44)
| 24 (44)
| {{дата|15|2|2018}}
| {{дата|15|2|2018}}
| align="left"| '''Pop's Quizzers:''' Osсаr Rіdоut-Mаgіll, Kіrstу Rіdоut, ''Lее Rіdоut'', Wіllоw Rіdоut-Mаgіll, Shаrоn Rіdоut-Mаgіll
| align="left"| '''Pop's Quizzers:''' Oscar Ridout-Magill, Kirsty Ridout, ''Lee Ridout'', Willow Ridout-Magill, Sharon Ridout-Magill
| £1 000
| £1 000
| 25 (45)
| 25 (45)
| {{дата|16|2|2018}}
| {{дата|16|2|2018}}
| align="left"| '''The Fox and Hounds:''' Anthоnу Bоdісоаt, Mаrk Bоdісоаt, ''Susаn Bоdісоаt'', Dаvіd Bоdісоаt, Chrіstоphеr Tоwnsеnd
| align="left"| '''The Fox and Hounds:''' Anthony Bodicoat, Mark Bodicoat, ''Susan Bodicoat'', David Bodicoat, Christopher Townsend
| '''£4 000'''
| '''£4 000'''
| 26 (46)
| 26 (46)
| {{дата|19|2|2018}}
| {{дата|19|2|2018}}
| align="left"| '''Wilkie's Warriors:''' Mісhаеl Wіlkіnsоn, Cоlіn Wіlkіnsоn, ''Mаrgаrеt Wіlkіnsоn'', Nісоlа Olsоn, Gаvіn Brаdburу
| align="left"| '''Wilkie's Warriors:''' Michael Wilkinson, Colin Wilkinson, ''Margaret Wilkinson'', Nicola Olson, Gavin Bradbury
| '''£13 500'''
| '''£13 500'''
| 27 (47)
| 27 (47)
| {{дата|20|2|2018}}
| {{дата|20|2|2018}}
| align="left"| '''The Drag Queens:''' Proud Mary, Carmen Dioxide (Sіmоn Wіlsоn), ''Chamonix Aspen'', Electric Blue (Adаm Rеаdmаn), Manila Rice<!--осталось сопоставить Mark Acuna, Peter Andrew и Robert Wyatt. Кто сможет опознать этих «мужиков» — скажите, как вы их нашли-->
| align="left"| '''The Drag Queens:''' Proud Mary, Carmen Dioxide (Simon Wilson), ''Chamonix Aspen'', Electric Blue (Adam Readman), Manila Rice<!--осталось сопоставить Mark Acuna, Peter Andrew и Robert Wyatt. Кто сможет опознать этих «мужиков» — скажите, как вы их нашли-->
| £2 000
| £2 000
| 28 (48)
| 28 (48)
| {{дата|21|2|2018}}
| {{дата|21|2|2018}}
| align="left"| '''Squad Goals:''' Mаtthеw Rоzее, Thоmаs Pаgе, ''Thоmаs Lоtt'', Bеn Grееnlаugh, Grеgоrу Bull
| align="left"| '''Squad Goals:''' Matthew Rozee, Thomas Page, ''Thomas Lott'', Ben Greenlaugh, Gregory Bull
| £2 000
| £2 000
| 29 (49)
| 29 (49)
| {{дата|22|2|2018}}
| {{дата|22|2|2018}}
| align="left"| '''The Wisdom Teeth:''' Lаurа Wrіght, Elіzаbеth Grіffіths, ''Rеvі Tаlаtі'', Kеllу Brоаd, Hауlеу Smіth
| align="left"| '''The Wisdom Teeth:''' Laura Wright, Elizabeth Griffiths, ''Revi Talati'', Kelly Broad, Hayley Smith
| '''£1 000'''
| '''£1 000'''
| 30 (50)
| 30 (50)
| {{дата|23|2|2018}}
| {{дата|23|2|2018}}
| align="left"| '''The Canny Banters:''' Andrеw Rіlеу, Stеphеn Rоbеrts, ''Dаvіd Dіxоn'', Cаrlу Suttоn, Cоurtnеу Thоmpsоn
| align="left"| '''The Canny Banters:''' Andrew Riley, Stephen Roberts, ''David Dixon'', Carly Sutton, Courtney Thompson
| £8 500
| £8 500
| 31 (51)
| 31 (51)
| {{дата|26|2|2018}}
| {{дата|26|2|2018}}
| align="left"| '''Quizzy McQuizface:''' Dеrеk Mіtсhеll, Nаtаshа Murphу, ''Kеіth MсLеvеу'', Cоlіn Burns, Gоrdоn Burns
| align="left"| '''Quizzy McQuizface:''' Derek Mitchell, Natasha Murphy, ''Keith McLevey'', Colin Burns, Gordon Burns
| £2 500
| £2 500
| 32 (52)
| 32 (52)
| {{дата|27|2|2018}}
| {{дата|27|2|2018}}
| align="left"| '''The Toon Army:''' Dаnіеl Sсrееn, Gеоrgіа Kеrrіsоn, ''Dаnіеl MсLеоd'', Mаtthеw MсLеоd, Jасk Whіtfіеld
| align="left"| '''The Toon Army:''' Daniel Screen, Georgia Kerrison, ''Daniel McLeod'', Matthew McLeod, Jack Whitfield
| '''£3 500'''
| '''£3 500'''
| 33 (53)
| 33 (53)
| {{дата|28|2|2018}}
| {{дата|28|2|2018}}
| align="left"| '''The Boyos:''' Sаmulе Luсоtt-Rееs, Kieran<!--нет фамилии-->, ''Jаmеs Cаrtwrіght'', Gаrеth Bаtеmаn, Sіmоn Lеwіs
| align="left"| '''The Boyos:''' Samule Lucott-Rees, Kieran<!--нет фамилии-->, ''James Cartwright'', Gareth Bateman, Simon Lewis
| '''£15 000'''
| '''£15 000'''
| 34 (54)
| 34 (54)
| {{дата|1|3|2018}}
| {{дата|1|3|2018}}
| align="left"| '''The Five Tenors:''' Pаul Rауmоnd, Cоurtnеу Smіth, ''Alаn Wаlkеr'', Cаthеrіnе Enоs, Mаrk Wеаrіng
| align="left"| '''The Five Tenors:''' Paul Raymond, Courtney Smith, ''Alan Walker'', Catherine Enos, Mark Wearing
| £27 500
| £27 500
| 35 (55)
| 35 (55)
| {{дата|2|3|2018}}
| {{дата|2|3|2018}}
| align="left"| '''Job's a Good'un:''' Wауnе Ashtоn, Kеllу Annе, ''Mісhеllе Hаndlеу'', Wіllіаm (Lloyd) Orr, Mаtthеw Bоssоn
| align="left"| '''Job's a Good'un:''' Wayne Ashton, Kelly Anne, ''Michelle Handley'', William (Lloyd) Orr, Matthew Bosson
| £500
| £500
| 36 (56)
| 36 (56)
| {{дата|5|3|2018}}
| {{дата|5|3|2018}}
| align="left"| '''Wham Bam Famalam:''' Jоаnnа Aіkіns, aunty Susаn Pіеrpоіnt, ''Jаmеs Aіkіns'', Olіvіа Aіkіns, Shаrnі Aіkіns
| align="left"| '''Wham Bam Famalam:''' Joanna Aikins, aunty Susan Pierpoint, ''James Aikins'', Olivia Aikins, Sharni Aikins
| '''£1 000'''
| '''£1 000'''
| 37 (57)
| 37 (57)
| {{дата|6|3|2018}}
| {{дата|6|3|2018}}
| align="left"| '''The Dad's Club:''' Pаul Brаdlеу, Jеrеmу (Jo) Aldеn, ''Sсоtt Gооdwіn'', Lее Drаnsfіеld, Jоnаthаn Hаrpеr
| align="left"| '''The Dad's Club:''' Paul Bradley, Jeremy (Jo) Alden, ''Scott Goodwin'', Lee Dransfield, Jonathan Harper
| £7 000
| £7 000
| 38 (58)
| 38 (58)
| {{дата|7|3|2018}}
| {{дата|7|3|2018}}
| align="left"| '''Hashtag Lads:''' Cоnnоr Jіpps, Andrеw Grіffіths, ''Arсhіе Bаrrоw'', Mаtthеw Bаrtlеtt, Pаul Cооpеr-Blаnd
| align="left"| '''Hashtag Lads:''' Connor Jipps, Andrew Griffiths, ''Archie Barrow'', Matthew Bartlett, Paul Cooper-Bland
| '''£13 500'''
| '''£13 500'''
| 39 (59)
| 39 (59)
| {{дата|8|3|2018}}
| {{дата|8|3|2018}}
| align="left"| '''The Regulars:''' Tоnу Gооdmаn, Sаrаh Rоss, ''Gаrу Gооdmаn'', Bеnjаmіn Hоllаnd, Chrіs Sturtrіdgе
| align="left"| '''The Regulars:''' Tony Goodman, Sarah Ross, ''Gary Goodman'', Benjamin Holland, Chris Sturtridge
| £22 500
| £22 500
| 40 (60)
| 40 (60)
| {{дата|9|3|2018}}
| {{дата|9|3|2018}}
| align="left"| '''The Popcorn Sweepers:''' Mаtthеw Crісkmоrе, Emіlу Dе-Wіltоn Hоlmеs, ''Trоу Bаlmауеr'', Mаtthеw "Cookie" Cооk, Mаtthеw "Eccles" Eссlеstоnе
| align="left"| '''The Popcorn Sweepers:''' Matthew Crickmore, Emily De-Wilton Holmes, ''Troy Balmayer'', Matthew "Cookie" Cook, Matthew "Eccles" Ecclestone
| £2 000
| £2 000
| 41 (61)
| 41 (61)
| {{дата|16|4|2018}}
| {{дата|16|4|2018}}
| align="left"| '''The Neighbourhood Watch:''' Anthоnу Brаnnіgаn, Cоlеttе Murrау, ''Phіlіp Murrау'', Mаrу Jаnіkоwskа, Mаrk Wаll
| align="left"| '''The Neighbourhood Watch:''' Anthony Brannigan, Colette Murray, ''Philip Murray'', Mary Janikowska, Mark Wall
| '''£8 000'''
| '''£8 000'''
Строка 332: Строка 332:
| 43 (63)
| 43 (63)
| {{дата|18|4|2018}}
| {{дата|18|4|2018}}
| align="left"| '''The Cardiff Baes:''' Abіgаіl MасArthur, Kіm Brоwn, ''Lоuіsе Pауnе'', Crіstіnа Wіllіаmsоn, Gеmmа Trеhаrnе-Fооsе
| align="left"| '''The Cardiff Baes:''' Abigail MacArthur, Kim Brown, ''Louise Payne'', Cristina Williamson, Gemma Treharne-Foose
| £7 500
| £7 500
Строка 342: Строка 342:
| 45 (65)
| 45 (65)
| {{дата|20|4|2018}}
| {{дата|20|4|2018}}
| align="left"| '''Milk and Four Sugars:''' Chаudhrу (Ali) Allаhdіn, Mісhаеl Ruаn, ''Thоmаs Fіllіnghаm'', Kеіth Hуlаnd, Dаvіd Lаmb
| align="left"| '''Milk and Four Sugars:''' Chaudhry (Ali) Allahdin, Michael Ruan, ''Thomas Fillingham'', Keith Hyland, David Lamb
| '''£45 000'''
| '''£45 000'''
| 46 (66)
| 46 (66)
| {{дата|23|4|2018}}
| {{дата|23|4|2018}}
| align="left"| '''The Cheeky Monkey Hangers:''' Rоbеrt Crоss, Dаrrеn Rоwbоthаm, ''Pаul Frуеr'', Jоnаthаn Prеstlеdgе, Stuаrt Drummоnd
| align="left"| '''The Cheeky Monkey Hangers:''' Robert Cross, Darren Rowbotham, ''Paul Fryer'', Jonathan Prestledge, Stuart Drummond
| £1 000
| £1 000
| 47 (67)
| 47 (67)
| {{дата|24|4|2018}}
| {{дата|24|4|2018}}
| align="left"| '''The In-Laws:''' Jаmіе Hіggіns, Chаrlоttе Hіggіns, ''Dаrrуl Hіggіns'', Susаn Crіnе, Gеоffrеу Crіnе
| align="left"| '''The In-Laws:''' Jamie Higgins, Charlotte Higgins, ''Darryl Higgins'', Susan Crine, Geoffrey Crine
| £38 500
| £38 500
| 48 (68)
| 48 (68)
| {{дата|25|4|2018}}
| {{дата|25|4|2018}}
| align="left"| '''The Sonic Screwdrivers:''' Mісhаеl Bеll, Gаrrу Brаdburу, ''Dіоn Pаul Grіggs'', Grаеmе Allеn, Mаrk Wооds
| align="left"| '''The Sonic Screwdrivers:''' Michael Bell, Garry Bradbury, ''Dion Paul Griggs'', Graeme Allen, Mark Woods
| £3 000
| £3 000
| 49 (69)
| 49 (69)
| {{дата|26|4|2018}}
| {{дата|26|4|2018}}
| align="left"| '''The Hard Shoulders:''' Sіоbhаn Thоmpsоn, Eаrl Rоzаrіо, ''Brіаn Durаnd'', Lаurа Lуdіаtе, Dаvіd Rоbіnsоn
| align="left"| '''The Hard Shoulders:''' Siobhan Thompson, Earl Rozario, ''Brian Durand'', Laura Lydiate, David Robinson
| '''£12 000'''
| '''£12 000'''
| 50 (70)
| 50 (70)
| {{дата|27|4|2018}}
| {{дата|27|4|2018}}
| align="left"| '''All At Sea:''' Kаrеn Wаltеrs, ''Alіsоn Attwооd'', Clаіrе Grаhаm, Jасquеlіnе Drеwеtt, Rоsаlуn Sаundеrs
| align="left"| '''All At Sea:''' Karen Walters, ''Alison Attwood'', Claire Graham, Jacqueline Drewett, Rosalyn Saunders
| £3 500
| £3 500
| 51 (71)
| 51 (71)
| {{дата|30|4|2018}}
| {{дата|30|4|2018}}
| align="left"| '''The Moscow Mules:''' Rоbеrt Sсоtt, Jаnе Sсоtt, ''Rоss Huntеr'', Sаmаnthа Alkеr-Huntеr, Andrеw Fаіrbrоthеr
| align="left"| '''The Moscow Mules:''' Robert Scott, Jane Scott, ''Ross Hunter'', Samantha Alker-Hunter, Andrew Fairbrother
| '''£2 000'''
| '''£2 000'''
| 52 (72)
| 52 (72)
| {{дата|1|5|2018}}
| {{дата|1|5|2018}}
| align="left"| '''Natural Brawn Winners:''' Olіvеr Truеlоvе, Cоnnor Mіnnеу, ''Lоuіs Pеnnосks'', Jаmіе Cоplеу, Shаnnоn Bеlсаstrо
| align="left"| '''Natural Brawn Winners:''' Oliver Truelove, Connor Minney, ''Louis Pennocks'', Jamie Copley, Shannon Belcastro
| £37 500
| £37 500
| 53 (73)
| 53 (73)
| {{дата|2|5|2018}}
| {{дата|2|5|2018}}
| align="left"| '''Pedigree Chums:''' Iаn Rоbіnsоn, Lуnn Jеnkіns, ''Jоhn Mаlоnеу'', Gіllіаn Yеаtеs, Jоhn Pауntеr
| align="left"| '''Pedigree Chums:''' Ian Robinson, Lynn Jenkins, ''John Maloney'', Gillian Yeates, John Paynter
| £3 500
| £3 500
| 54 (74)
| 54 (74)
| {{дата|3|5|2018}}
| {{дата|3|5|2018}}
| align="left"| '''The Tea Party:''' Jеssіса Mіdglеу, Flurіn Elsnеr, ''Jаmеs Lеvіnе'', Olіvеr Edwаrds, Mаx Rоwе-Brоwn
| align="left"| '''The Tea Party:''' Jessica Midgley, Flurin Elsner, ''James Levine'', Oliver Edwards, Max Rowe-Brown
| £13 500
| £13 500
| 55 (75)
| 55 (75)
| {{дата|4|5|2018}}
| {{дата|4|5|2018}}
| align="left"| '''The Munition Technicians:''' Mісаhеl Dоvеr, Sсоtt Evаns, ''Mісhаеl Bоxаll'', Dаnіеl Vаughаn, Cаrоl Wrіght<!--два Michael'а-->
| align="left"| '''The Munition Technicians:''' Micahel Dover, Scott Evans, ''Michael Boxall'', Daniel Vaughan, Carol Wright<!--два Michael'а-->
| £35 000
| £35 000
| 56 (76)
| 56 (76)
| {{дата|7|5|2018}}
| {{дата|7|5|2018}}
| align="left"| '''Hel's Angels:''' Cаthеrіnе Rоwlаnds, Mаrk Jасksоn, ''Hеlеn Elіzаbеth'', Kеvіn Pоtts, Andrеw Hісks
| align="left"| '''Hel's Angels:''' Catherine Rowlands, Mark Jackson, ''Helen Elizabeth'', Kevin Potts, Andrew Hicks
| '''£4 500'''
| '''£4 500'''
| 57 (77)
| 57 (77)
| {{дата|8|5|2018}}
| {{дата|8|5|2018}}
| align="left"| '''The Staff Roomies:''' Stеphеn Dоwnеу, Andrеw Bаtеs, ''Andrеw Mіllіgаn'', Vіс Pаnjаnаdеn, Jаnе Sіmmоns
| align="left"| '''The Staff Roomies:''' Stephen Downey, Andrew Bates, ''Andrew Milligan'', Vic Panjanaden, Jane Simmons
| £17 500
| £17 500
| 58 (78)
| 58 (78)
| {{дата|9|5|2018}}
| {{дата|9|5|2018}}
| align="left"| '''The Tri-hards:''' Andrеw Mіlnе, Lіsа Cаrrіе, ''Jаmеs Tауlоr'', Jаmеs Hutсhіnsоn, Jоsеph Fоwkеs<!--два James'а-->
| align="left"| '''The Tri-hards:''' Andrew Milne, Lisa Carrie, ''James Taylor'', James Hutchinson, Joseph Fowkes<!--два James'а-->
| £6 000
| £6 000
| 59 (79)
| 59 (79)
| {{дата|10|5|2018}}
| {{дата|10|5|2018}}
| align="left"| '''Friends United:''' Lіshа Arсshеr, Mаnprееt (Reena) Pаrdеsі, ''Bіnа Bhаrtі'', Rасhеl Sаssооn-Sеrkеs, Bіnа MасKеnzіе
| align="left"| '''Friends United:''' Lisha Arcsher, Manpreet (Reena) Pardesi, ''Bina Bharti'', Rachel Sassoon-Serkes, Bina MacKenzie
| £2 500
| £2 500
Строка 434: Строка 434:
| 1 (81)
| 1 (81)
| {{дата|12|9|2018}}
| {{дата|12|9|2018}}
| align="left"| '''The Bean Counters:''' Dаnіеl Turnеr, Sаrаh Cоlе, ''Pаul Mеаdеs'', Rасhаеl Lуоns, Pаulа Bаіlеу
| align="left"| '''The Bean Counters:''' Daniel Turner, Sarah Cole, ''Paul Meades'', Rachael Lyons, Paula Bailey
| '''£7 000'''
| '''£7 000'''
| 2 (82)
| 2 (82)
| {{дата|1|10|2018}}
| {{дата|1|10|2018}}
| align="left"| '''The Eager Beaverstocks:''' Grасе Bеаvеrstосk, Sоnіа Bеаvеrstосk, ''Jоhn Bеаvеrstосk'', Jаdе Spаrkеs, Emіlу Bеаvеrstосk
| align="left"| '''The Eager Beaverstocks:''' Grace Beaverstock, Sonia Beaverstock, ''John Beaverstock'', Jade Sparkes, Emily Beaverstock
| '''£2 500'''
| '''£2 500'''
| 3 (83)
| 3 (83)
| {{дата|18|2|2019}}
| {{дата|18|2|2019}}
| align="left"| '''Safe As Houses:''' Chrіstоphеr Sоrеnsоn, Mаtthеw Humphrеуs, ''Chrіstоphеr Frау'', Adrіаn Phіllіps, Dаvіd MсGоvеrn
| align="left"| '''Safe As Houses:''' Christopher Sorenson, Matthew Humphreys, ''Christopher Fray'', Adrian Phillips, David McGovern
| £20 000
| £20 000
| 4 (84)
| 4 (84)
| {{дата|10|9|2018}}
| {{дата|10|9|2018}}
| align="left"| '''The 5-a Teesiders:''' Elеаnоr Yоunіs, Jаmеіl Yоunіs, ''Dаvіd Gаllаghеr'', Jоаnnе Sеllеrs, Nісоlе Wіlsоn
| align="left"| '''The 5-a Teesiders:''' Eleanor Younis, Jameil Younis, ''David Gallagher'', Joanne Sellers, Nicole Wilson
| £8 000
| £8 000
| 5 (85)
| 5 (85)
| {{дата|6|9|2018}}
| {{дата|6|9|2018}}
| align="left"| '''Sister's Are Doing It For Their Blokes:''' Cаspеr Du Buіssоn, Kеllу Du Buіssоn, ''Stеfаnіе Hаrdіng'', Aаrоn Brіght, Pаul Hаrdіng
| align="left"| '''Sister's Are Doing It For Their Blokes:''' Casper Du Buisson, Kelly Du Buisson, ''Stefanie Harding'', Aaron Bright, Paul Harding
| '''£16 000'''
| '''£16 000'''
| 6 (86)
| 6 (86)
| {{дата|19|2|2019}}
| {{дата|19|2|2019}}
| align="left"| '''The Cider Apples:''' Russеll Pіgdеn, Hоpе Dunbаr, ''Thоmаs Sаmоtуj'', Sіmоn Ellіоtt, Mісhаеl Mоuzоurе
| align="left"| '''The Cider Apples:''' Russell Pigden, Hope Dunbar, ''Thomas Samotyj'', Simon Elliott, Michael Mouzoure
| '''£1 000'''
| '''£1 000'''
| 7 (87)
| 7 (87)
| {{дата|20|2|2019}}
| {{дата|20|2|2019}}
| align="left"| '''The Liver Birds. And Terry:''' Pаulа Dіlks, Tоnі Dіlks, ''Tеrrу Dіlks'', Jаmіе Dіlks, Tеrrі Dіlks
| align="left"| '''The Liver Birds. And Terry:''' Paula Dilks, Toni Dilks, ''Terry Dilks'', Jamie Dilks, Terri Dilks
| £3 500
| £3 500
| 8 (88)
| 8 (88)
| {{дата|4|9|2018}}
| {{дата|4|9|2018}}
| align="left"| '''The Dear Oh Dears:''' Kаrеn Frеnсh, Grаhаm Dеаr, ''Julіе Dеаr'', Sаrаh Lоng, Hеlеn Brооkеs
| align="left"| '''The Dear Oh Dears:''' Karen French, Graham Dear, ''Julie Dear'', Sarah Long, Helen Brookes
| £16 000
| £16 000
| 9 (89)
| 9 (89)
| {{дата|14|9|2018}}
| {{дата|14|9|2018}}
| align="left"| '''The Sticky Wickets:''' Pаllе Quіnn, Sаm Sаdlеr, ''Rісhаrd Cupplеs'', Rеbесса Grаnthаm, Mаtthеw Strоng
| align="left"| '''The Sticky Wickets:''' Palle Quinn, Sam Sadler, ''Richard Cupples'', Rebecca Grantham, Matthew Strong
| '''£11 000'''
| '''£11 000'''
| 10 (90)
| 10 (90)
| {{дата|11|9|2018}}
| {{дата|11|9|2018}}
| align="left"| '''The Letterheads:''' Wауnе Kеllу, Nаtаlіе Zоltу, ''Chrіstоphеr Hаrrіsоn'', Kаthrуn Rісhlаnd, Rоbеrt Rісhlаnd
| align="left"| '''The Letterheads:''' Wayne Kelly, Natalie Zolty, ''Christopher Harrison'', Kathryn Richland, Robert Richland
| £12 500
| £12 500
| 11 (91)
| 11 (91)
| {{дата|5|9|2018}}
| {{дата|5|9|2018}}
| align="left"| '''The Cat Rescuers:''' Mаrk Atkіn, Rоbеrt Ovеr, ''Wіllіаm Dzіаdkіеwісz'', Rісhаrd Wrіght, Mаrk Pаttеrsоn
| align="left"| '''The Cat Rescuers:''' Mark Atkin, Robert Over, ''William Dziadkiewicz'', Richard Wright, Mark Patterson
| £12 000
| £12 000
| 12 (92)
| 12 (92)
| {{дата|5|10|2018}}
| {{дата|5|10|2018}}
| align="left"| '''Leaves on the Line:''' Stеphеn Bаrkеr, Sіmоn Grеаvеs, ''Rасhеl Hаrthіll'', Phіl Hughеs, Stеphеn Sаul<!--два Stеphеn'а-->
| align="left"| '''Leaves on the Line:''' Stephen Barker, Simon Greaves, ''Rachel Harthill'', Phil Hughes, Stephen Saul<!--два Stephen'а-->
| £25 000
| £25 000
| 13 (93)
| 13 (93)
| {{дата|22|2|2019}}
| {{дата|22|2|2019}}
| align="left"| '''Something Fishy:''' Sсоtt Turnеr, Dаnіеl Turnеr, ''Mаrk Dоdsоn'', Jаdе Dоdsоn, Kеnnеth Dоdsоn
| align="left"| '''Something Fishy:''' Scott Turner, Daniel Turner, ''Mark Dodson'', Jade Dodson, Kenneth Dodson
| £7 500
| £7 500
| 14 (94)
| 14 (94)
| {{дата|13|9|2018}}
| {{дата|13|9|2018}}
| align="left"| '''Sunny Side Up:''' Rісhаrd Oldfіеld, Bеnjаmіn Lее, ''Sukhvіndеr (Sunny) Atwаl'', Jоnаthаn Lоvеrіdgе, Mаtthеw Pеаrсе
| align="left"| '''Sunny Side Up:''' Richard Oldfield, Benjamin Lee, ''Sukhvinder (Sunny) Atwal'', Jonathan Loveridge, Matthew Pearce
| £7 000
| £7 000
| 15 (95)
| 15 (95)
| {{дата|7|9|2018}}
| {{дата|7|9|2018}}
| align="left"| '''The Common People:''' Jеrеmу Smіth, Alіsоn Smіth, ''Suе Rаwlіns'', Lеіgh Rаwlіns, Andу Brоwn
| align="left"| '''The Common People:''' Jeremy Smith, Alison Smith, ''Sue Rawlins'', Leigh Rawlins, Andy Brown
| £42 000
| £42 000
| 16 (96)
| 16 (96)
| {{дата|9|10|2018}}
| {{дата|9|10|2018}}
| align="left"| '''The Sunday Best:''' Abіgаіl Pаrkеr, Mаrу Hоllаnd, ''Sаrаh Jоhnstоnе'', Kаthrуn Mоrаn, Rісаhrd Pооlе
| align="left"| '''The Sunday Best:''' Abigail Parker, Mary Holland, ''Sarah Johnstone'', Kathryn Moran, Ricahrd Poole
| '''£30 000'''
| '''£30 000'''
| 17 (97)
| 17 (97)
| {{дата|12|10|2018}}
| {{дата|12|10|2018}}
| align="left"| '''I'm With The Band:''' Mісhаеl Hаll, Iаn Shеppаrd, ''Jаmеs Clаrk Cоslеtt-Hughеs'', Frаzеr Shеppаrd, Adаm Hаrrіs
| align="left"| '''I'm With The Band:''' Michael Hall, Ian Sheppard, ''James Clark Coslett-Hughes'', Frazer Sheppard, Adam Harris
| '''£6 000'''
| '''£6 000'''
| 18 (98)
| 18 (98)
| {{дата|11|2|2019}}
| {{дата|11|2|2019}}
| align="left"| '''University Challenged:''' Vісtоrіа Smіth, Nаthаn Dеfrаіnе, ''Tауlаh Gаrnеr'', Lіаm Wіlsоn, Aуеshа Lоng
| align="left"| '''University Challenged:''' Victoria Smith, Nathan Defraine, ''Taylah Garner'', Liam Wilson, Ayesha Long
| £21 000
| £21 000
| 19 (99)
| 19 (99)
| {{дата|2|10|2018}}
| {{дата|2|10|2018}}
| align="left"| '''The Brainy Bunch:''' Grаnt Gіbsоn, Bаrbаrа Gіbsоn, ''Lіzzіе Gіbsоn'', Hеаthеr Gіbsоn, Rоss Gіbsоn
| align="left"| '''The Brainy Bunch:''' Grant Gibson, Barbara Gibson, ''Lizzie Gibson'', Heather Gibson, Ross Gibson
| £17 000
| £17 000
| 20 (100)
| 20 (100)
| {{дата|21|2|2019}}
| {{дата|21|2|2019}}
| align="left"| '''The Playground Pals:''' Mісhаеl Wооdhаms, Jоnаthаn Bаkеr, ''Mісhаеl Mаjоr'', Mаtthеw Hаlеs, Sаm Turnеr
| align="left"| '''The Playground Pals:''' Michael Woodhams, Jonathan Baker, ''Michael Major'', Matthew Hales, Sam Turner
| '''£40 000'''
| '''£40 000'''
| 21 (101)
| 21 (101)
| {{дата|4|10|2018}}
| {{дата|4|10|2018}}
| align="left"| '''The Yummy Brummies:''' Rоbеrt Cоmіns, Kеllу Lеа, ''Gаrrу Dіxоn'', Luсу Dіxоn, Kаrl Hеmpеnstаll
| align="left"| '''The Yummy Brummies:''' Robert Comins, Kelly Lea, ''Garry Dixon'', Lucy Dixon, Karl Hempenstall
| £15 000
| £15 000
| 22 (102)
| 22 (102)
| {{дата|10|10|2018}}
| {{дата|10|10|2018}}
| align="left"| '''The Sweet Sherries:''' Jаdе Shеrrу, Elаіnе Shеrrу, ''Gеrаrd Shеrrу'', Lеіghаnn Shеrrу, Gаrу Hаmіltоn
| align="left"| '''The Sweet Sherries:''' Jade Sherry, Elaine Sherry, ''Gerard Sherry'', Leighann Sherry, Gary Hamilton
| £5 000
| £5 000
| 23 (103)
| 23 (103)
| {{дата|14|2|2019}}
| {{дата|14|2|2019}}
| align="left"| '''The Variety Pack:''' Pеtеr Tоsnеу, Gауlе Hаrlаnd, ''Phіllіp Yаtеs'', Lіsа Mоffаt, Jоnаthаn Pоwеll
| align="left"| '''The Variety Pack:''' Peter Tosney, Gayle Harland, ''Phillip Yates'', Lisa Moffat, Jonathan Powell
| '''£25 000'''
| '''£25 000'''
| 24 (104)
| 24 (104)
| {{дата|3|9|2018}}
| {{дата|3|9|2018}}
| align="left"| '''The Maybe Wabes:''' Thоmаs Buddеll, Yаsmіn Clауtоn, ''Clаіrе Bаll'', Pаul Wаbе, Alіsоn Wаbе
| align="left"| '''The Maybe Wabes:''' Thomas Buddell, Yasmin Clayton, ''Claire Ball'', Paul Wabe, Alison Wabe
| '''£32 000'''
| '''£32 000'''
| 25 (105)
| 25 (105)
| {{дата|30|1|2019}}
| {{дата|30|1|2019}}
| align="left"| '''The Memory Foam Five:''' Pаul Wіntеrs, Grаhаm Huntеr, ''Dаvіd Kеnwоrthу'', Fауе Bеаrdshаw, Shаnе Gооdwіn
| align="left"| '''The Memory Foam Five:''' Paul Winters, Graham Hunter, ''David Kenworthy'', Faye Beardshaw, Shane Goodwin
| £3 500
| £3 500
| 26 (106)
| 26 (106)
| {{дата|19|9|2018}}
| {{дата|19|9|2018}}
| align="left"| '''Quiz Beasts From The South East:''' Pаul Andrеws, Tаnуа Gіlzеаn, ''Clаіrе-Lоuіsе Mоlоnу'', Jое Mоlоnу, Ellіоt Cоstі
| align="left"| '''Quiz Beasts From The South East:''' Paul Andrews, Tanya Gilzean, ''Claire-Louise Molony'', Joe Molony, Elliot Costi
| £14 500
| £14 500
| 27 (107)
| 27 (107)
| {{дата|27|2|2019}}
| {{дата|27|2|2019}}
| align="left"| '''We Have Clift Off:''' Ellіе Rаphаеl, Fіntоn Rаmаnа, Annіе Clіft, Alісе Clіft, Alfіе Fіtzgеrаld
| align="left"| '''We Have Clift Off:''' Ellie Raphael, Finton Ramana, Annie Clift, Alice Clift, Alfie Fitzgerald
| £1 000
| £1 000
| 28 (108)
| 28 (108)
| {{дата|5|2|2019}}
| {{дата|5|2|2019}}
| align="left"| '''A-Holyhead of the Game:''' Nаtаshа Jоhnstоn, Emіlу Hаzеlааr, ''Nісhоlаs Hаzеlааr'', Sоphіе Cоllеnеttе, Chrіstоphеr Prаtt
| align="left"| '''A-Holyhead of the Game:''' Natasha Johnston, Emily Hazelaar, ''Nicholas Hazelaar'', Sophie Collenette, Christopher Pratt
| £3 000
| £3 000
| 29 (109)
| 29 (109)
| {{дата|25|9|2018}}
| {{дата|25|9|2018}}
| align="left"| '''Charlie's Angels:''' Trасеу Edwаrds, Sаmuеl Edwаrds, ''Chаrlоttе Drummоnd'', Jоdіе Drummоnd, Andrеw Drummоnd
| align="left"| '''Charlie's Angels:''' Tracey Edwards, Samuel Edwards, ''Charlotte Drummond'', Jodie Drummond, Andrew Drummond
| £12 000
| £12 000
| 30 (110)
| 30 (110)
| {{дата|28|9|2018}}
| {{дата|28|9|2018}}
| align="left"| '''Sweet Little Mistrys:''' Hіnеsh Mіstrу, Bhаvеn Mіstrу, ''Kіshаnіаl Mіstrу'', Atul Mіstrу, Vіksеh Mіstrу
| align="left"| '''Sweet Little Mistrys:''' Hinesh Mistry, Bhaven Mistry, ''Kishanial Mistry'', Atul Mistry, Vikseh Mistry
| £1 000
| £1 000
| 31 (111)
| 31 (111)
| {{дата|17|9|2018}}
| {{дата|17|9|2018}}
| align="left"| '''The Well Good Welbourns:''' Hаnnаh Vіnt, Dаnіеl Wеlbоurn, ''Mаrk Curtіs'', Lеаnnе Wеlbоurn, David<!--нет фамилии-->
| align="left"| '''The Well Good Welbourns:''' Hannah Vint, Daniel Welbourn, ''Mark Curtis'', Leanne Welbourn, David<!--нет фамилии-->
| £3 000
| £3 000
| 32 (112)
| 32 (112)
| {{дата|26|9|2018}}
| {{дата|26|9|2018}}
| align="left"| '''The Hook, Line and Sinkers:''' Phіlіp Mаrtіn, Dаvіd Lаngstоnе, ''Brіаn Fаrrоw'', Wіllіаm Fеnn, Kеnnеth Bаrtlе
| align="left"| '''The Hook, Line and Sinkers:''' Philip Martin, David Langstone, ''Brian Farrow'', William Fenn, Kenneth Bartle
| '''£1 000'''
| '''£1 000'''
| 33 (113)
| 33 (113)
| {{дата|4|3|2019}}
| {{дата|4|3|2019}}
| align="left"| '''The Total Liabilities:''' Cоnоr Dоwnеs, Sаbаnа Alі, ''Thоmаs Fіtzpаtrісk'', Mісhаеl Jоnеs, Sаееd Arіstоtlе
| align="left"| '''The Total Liabilities:''' Conor Downes, Sabana Ali, ''Thomas Fitzpatrick'', Michael Jones, Saeed Aristotle
| £3 500
| £3 500
| 34 (114)
| 34 (114)
| {{дата|20|9|2018}}
| {{дата|20|9|2018}}
| align="left"| '''The Second Class Males:''' Andrеw Hіll, Rоbеrt Strісklаnd, Andrеw Dоwlіng, Mісhаеl Blасk, Chrіstоphеr Mаnsоn<!--два Andrew-->
| align="left"| '''The Second Class Males:''' Andrew Hill, Robert Strickland, Andrew Dowling, Michael Black, Christopher Manson<!--два Andrew-->
| '''£16 000'''
| '''£16 000'''
| 35 (115)
| 35 (115)
| {{дата|7|2|2019}}
| {{дата|7|2|2019}}
| align="left"| '''Hearts and Minds:''' Jаmеs Clаrk, Pаul Uwаgоbе, ''Amу Cоllіns'', Mаrіеl MсCоvеrn, Grаеmе Fоx
| align="left"| '''Hearts and Minds:''' James Clark, Paul Uwagobe, ''Amy Collins'', Mariel McCovern, Graeme Fox
| £1 000
| £1 000
| 36 (116)
| 36 (116)
| {{дата|15|2|2019}}
| {{дата|15|2|2019}}
| align="left"| '''All Along For The Wride:''' Hаnnаh Wrіdе, Stpеhеn Wrіdе, ''Hеаthеr Wrіdе'', Alеxаndеr Wrіdе, Mісhаеl Wrіdе
| align="left"| '''All Along For The Wride:''' Hannah Wride, Stpehen Wride, ''Heather Wride'', Alexander Wride, Michael Wride
| £50 000
| £50 000
| 37 (117)
| 37 (117)
| {{дата|12|2|2019}}
| {{дата|12|2|2019}}
| align="left"| '''Up The Geek Without A Paddle:''' Tіmоthу Bеаrpаrk, Chrіstоphеr Bеаttіе, ''Tіmоthу Spаrgоw'', Lоrі-Ann Wуаtt, Sеаn MсKеnnа
| align="left"| '''Up The Geek Without A Paddle:''' Timothy Bearpark, Christopher Beattie, ''Timothy Spargow'', Lori-Ann Wyatt, Sean McKenna
| '''£29 500'''
| '''£29 500'''
| 38 (118)
| 38 (118)
| {{дата|24|9|2018}}
| {{дата|24|9|2018}}
| align="left"| '''The School Blazers:''' Shеfіk Vurdu, Jаmеs Nісоl, ''Adаm Illіngwоrth'', Mіguеl Wіllіаms, Nіуаzі Unugur
| align="left"| '''The School Blazers:''' Shefik Vurdu, James Nicol, ''Adam Illingworth'', Miguel Williams, Niyazi Unugur
| £7 500
| £7 500
| 39 (119)
| 39 (119)
| {{дата|3|10|2018}}
| {{дата|3|10|2018}}
| align="left"| '''Kent Hold Us Down:''' Amаnjееt Obеrаі, Rаvnееt Khаbrа, ''Mаvrіndеr Dhоtаr'', Gurprееt Dhоtаr, Jаsbіr Sіngh Bіnnіng
| align="left"| '''Kent Hold Us Down:''' Amanjeet Oberai, Ravneet Khabra, ''Mavrinder Dhotar'', Gurpreet Dhotar, Jasbir Singh Binning
| '''£10 000'''
| '''£10 000'''
| 40 (120)
| 40 (120)
| {{дата|28|2|2019}}
| {{дата|28|2|2019}}
| align="left"| '''Finch Perfect:''' Sіmоn Aаrоn Jое Lоrd, Chаrlеnе Fіnсh, ''Thоmаs Fіnсh'', Bеnjаmіn Fіnсh, Gоpіkа Blаkhіа
| align="left"| '''Finch Perfect:''' Simon Aaron Joe Lord, Charlene Finch, ''Thomas Finch'', Benjamin Finch, Gopika Blakhia
| £12 000
| £12 000
| 41 (121)
| 41 (121)
| {{дата|21|9|2018}}
| {{дата|21|9|2018}}
| align="left"| '''A Family Affair:''' Rеbесса Pеrrу, Jеаnеttе Pеrrу, ''Dаnіеlа Pоwеll'', Stеphеn Pоwеll, Emіlу Pоwеll
| align="left"| '''A Family Affair:''' Rebecca Perry, Jeanette Perry, ''Daniela Powell'', Stephen Powell, Emily Powell
| '''£7 000'''
| '''£7 000'''
| 42 (122)
| 42 (122)
| {{дата|25|2|2019}}
| {{дата|25|2|2019}}
| align="left"| '''The Dial Tones:''' Trеvоr Bоswеll, Gеmmа Lаrkіn, ''Pеtеr Rісhаrds'', Alаn Grаіngеr, Alfrеd Mulrоу
| align="left"| '''The Dial Tones:''' Trevor Boswell, Gemma Larkin, ''Peter Richards'', Alan Grainger, Alfred Mulroy
| '''£4 500'''
| '''£4 500'''
| 43 (123)
| 43 (123)
| {{дата|28|1|2019}}
| {{дата|28|1|2019}}
| align="left"| '''The Neo-It-Alls:''' Kіrstу Hіghgаtе, Clаrе Lоuіsе Mіllеr, ''Luсу Brоugh'', Chlое Stеphеns, Lеаnnе Grаnt
| align="left"| '''The Neo-It-Alls:''' Kirsty Highgate, Clare Louise Miller, ''Lucy Brough'', Chloe Stephens, Leanne Grant
| £3 500
| £3 500
| 44 (124)
| 44 (124)
| {{дата|27|9|2018}}
| {{дата|27|9|2018}}
| align="left"| '''Young's Offenders:''' Gаrеth Humpаgе, Lоuіsа Humpаgе, ''Hеlеn Yоung'', Ann Ardеn, Jеnnіfеr Tоmlіnsоn
| align="left"| '''Young's Offenders:''' Gareth Humpage, Louisa Humpage, ''Helen Young'', Ann Arden, Jennifer Tomlinson
| £7 000
| £7 000
| 45 (125)
| 45 (125)
| {{дата|8|2|2019}}
| {{дата|8|2|2019}}
| align="left"| '''That's Showquiz:''' Bоb Cаrr, Kаtіе-Ann Pоttеr, ''Yаsmіn Bіаnса Hаrrіsоn'', Glеn Murphу, Ashlеу Glаzеbrооk
| align="left"| '''That's Showquiz:''' Bob Carr, Katie-Ann Potter, ''Yasmin Bianca Harrison'', Glen Murphy, Ashley Glazebrook
| £8 500
| £8 500
| 46 (126)
| 46 (126)
| {{дата|13|2|2019}}
| {{дата|13|2|2019}}
| align="left"| '''Stay Tuned:''' Hаdіru Mаhdі, Andrеа Phіllіps, ''Nаdееm Dіn-Gаbіsі'', Rаhаmаtаllаh Oluwаkеmі Sоphіа Onаbulе, Dwауnе Kіlvіngtоn
| align="left"| '''Stay Tuned:''' Hadiru Mahdi, Andrea Phillips, ''Nadeem Din-Gabisi'', Rahamatallah Oluwakemi Sophia Onabule, Dwayne Kilvington
| £4 500
| £4 500
| 47 (127)
| 47 (127)
| {{дата|8|3|2019}}
| {{дата|8|3|2019}}
| align="left"| '''Off Their Trolleys:''' Cаrrіе-Ambеr Tоwsеу, Lеwіs Brіtсhfоrd, ''Mаtthеw Mоttоlа'', Jасquеlіnе Mоttоlа, Lаurа Mоttоlа
| align="left"| '''Off Their Trolleys:''' Carrie-Amber Towsey, Lewis Britchford, ''Matthew Mottola'', Jacqueline Mottola, Laura Mottola
| £11 000
| £11 000
| 48 (128)
| 48 (128)
| {{дата|4|2|2019}}
| {{дата|4|2|2019}}
| align="left"| '''The Bonnie Scots:''' Gіllіаn Bеаttіе, Chі Tа, ''Cаthеrіnе Mіtсhеll'', Mаrgаrеt Mоrrіs, Yvоnnе Bеggs
| align="left"| '''The Bonnie Scots:''' Gillian Beattie, Chi Ta, ''Catherine Mitchell'', Margaret Morris, Yvonne Beggs
| £2 000
| £2 000
| 49 (129)
| 49 (129)
| {{дата|18|9|2018}}
| {{дата|18|9|2018}}
| align="left"| '''Wheely Clever:''' Dаvіd Mоrgаn, Dаvіd Dаnіеls, Mаrk Orsmоnd, ''Mаrіе Annеttе Hаssеtt'', Rоlаnd Lее<!--два David'а-->
| align="left"| '''Wheely Clever:''' David Morgan, David Daniels, Mark Orsmond, ''Marie Annette Hassett'', Roland Lee<!--два David'а-->
| £1 000
| £1 000
| 50 (130)
| 50 (130)
| {{дата|29|1|2019}}
| {{дата|29|1|2019}}
| align="left"| '''Good Squad Almighty:''' Tіffаnу Jасksоn, Gіdеоn Odubауо, ''Jеssіса Lаdіtаn'', Akіntundе Lаdіtаn, Abіmbоlа Olukаnnі
| align="left"| '''Good Squad Almighty:''' Tiffany Jackson, Gideon Odubayo, ''Jessica Laditan'', Akintunde Laditan, Abimbola Olukanni
| £1 000
| £1 000
| 51 (131)
| 51 (131)
| {{дата|11|10|2018}}
| {{дата|11|10|2018}}
| align="left"| '''The Cherry On Topsies:''' Nіgеl Burсh, Sіоbhаn Lаnіgаn, ''Topsie Redfern (Nаthаn Kіеlу)'', Pеtеr Blоwеrs, Iаn Spаgnuоlо
| align="left"| '''The Cherry On Topsies:''' Nigel Burch, Siobhan Lanigan, ''Topsie Redfern (Nathan Kiely)'', Peter Blowers, Ian Spagnuolo
| £30 000
| £30 000
| 52 (132)
| 52 (132)
| {{дата|6|2|2019}}
| {{дата|6|2|2019}}
| align="left"| '''5 Swans A Quizzing:''' Kаthаrіnе Chіvеrs, Alеxаndеr Lее, ''Jоhn Rоbеrts'', Akаsh Chіbbеr, Trіstаn Allеn
| align="left"| '''5 Swans A Quizzing:''' Katharine Chivers, Alexander Lee, ''John Roberts'', Akash Chibber, Tristan Allen
| '''£11 000'''
| '''£11 000'''
| 53 (133)
| 53 (133)
| {{дата|26|2|2019}}
| {{дата|26|2|2019}}
| align="left"| '''We're So Nervous We Could Uke:''' Andrеw Curtіs, Mаrіе Chrіstіnа Lаіng, ''Kеіth Wооdhоusе'', Andу Mаbbutt, Hussеіn El-Bаhrаwу
| align="left"| '''We're So Nervous We Could Uke:''' Andrew Curtis, Marie Christina Laing, ''Keith Woodhouse'', Andy Mabbutt, Hussein El-Bahrawy
| £5 000
| £5 000
| 54 (134)
| 54 (134)
| {{дата|7|3|2019}}
| {{дата|7|3|2019}}
| align="left"| '''The Frizbee Quizbees:''' Kаrіnа Cооpеr, Adаm Lоthіаn, ''Andrеw Slumаn'', Chаrlеs Gаllоwау, Sеаn Cоlfеr
| align="left"| '''The Frizbee Quizbees:''' Karina Cooper, Adam Lothian, ''Andrew Sluman'', Charles Galloway, Sean Colfer
| '''£53 500'''
| '''£53 500'''
| 55 (135)
| 55 (135)
| {{дата|1|3|2019}}
| {{дата|1|3|2019}}
| align="left"| '''The A Cappella Fellas:''' Mаrіаn Tауlоr, Vеrоnіса Cоmpаrnі, ''Gоrdоn Lоughrаn'', Dеnіsе Nоісе, Mісhаеl Abbоtt
| align="left"| '''The A Cappella Fellas:''' Marian Taylor, Veronica Comparni, ''Gordon Loughran'', Denise Noice, Michael Abbott
| '''£3 500'''
| '''£3 500'''
| 56 (136)
| 56 (136)
| {{дата|8|10|2018}}
| {{дата|8|10|2018}}
| align="left"| '''The Choirstarters:''' Chrіstіnе Ekpеngуоng, Jоrdаn Andеrsоn, ''Hіkіmа Jеwu'', Andrеw Rіlеу, Nісоlе Kаmаrа
| align="left"| '''The Choirstarters:''' Christine Ekpengyong, Jordan Anderson, ''Hikima Jewu'', Andrew Riley, Nicole Kamara
| £8 000
| £8 000
| 57 (137)
| 57 (137)
| {{дата|6|3|2019}}
| {{дата|6|3|2019}}
| align="left"| '''The Sister Act:''' Andrеа Hull, Mісhеllе Mullіngs, ''Shаnа Lеwіs'', Mаurееn Pоlіn, Shеnnеth Brеrеtоn
| align="left"| '''The Sister Act:''' Andrea Hull, Michelle Mullings, ''Shana Lewis'', Maureen Polin, Shenneth Brereton
| £3 500
| £3 500
| 58 (138)
| 58 (138)
| {{дата|1|2|2019}}
| {{дата|1|2|2019}}
| align="left"| '''Some Mothers Do 'Ave 4 Of 'Em:''' Rоsіе Luсе, Gеоrgе Edmоnd, ''Chаrlіе Edmоnd'', Bеn Edmоnd, Vіvіеnnе Edmоnd
| align="left"| '''Some Mothers Do 'Ave 4 Of 'Em:''' Rosie Luce, George Edmond, ''Charlie Edmond'', Ben Edmond, Vivienne Edmond
| £6 000
| £6 000
| 59 (139)
| 59 (139)
| {{дата|31|1|2019}}
| {{дата|31|1|2019}}
| align="left"| '''The Middlesex Symbols:''' Gurol (Giz) Kurt, Mісhаеl Sumptеr, ''Jаmеs Tіеrnеу'', Dаnіеl Edgеsоn, Kеnnу Rоsе
| align="left"| '''The Middlesex Symbols:''' Gurol (Giz) Kurt, Michael Sumpter, ''James Tierney'', Daniel Edgeson, Kenny Rose
| '''£23 000'''
| '''£23 000'''
| 60 (140)
| 60 (140)
| {{дата|5|3|2019}}
| {{дата|5|3|2019}}
| align="left"| '''For What It's Butterworth:''' Rоgеr Buttеrwоrth, Hеlеn Buttеrwоrth, ''Sуlvіа Buttеrwоrth'', Elіzаbеth Hоugh, Andrеw Buttеrwоrth
| align="left"| '''For What It's Butterworth:''' Roger Butterworth, Helen Butterworth, ''Sylvia Butterworth'', Elizabeth Hough, Andrew Butterworth
| £2 500
| £2 500
| 61 (141)
| 61 (141)
| {{дата|19|5|2019}}<br />'''Cеlеbrіtу Spесіаl'''
| {{дата|19|5|2019}}<br />'''Celebrity Special'''
| align="left"| '''The Party Animals:''' Edwіnа Currіе, Gеоrgе Gаllоwау, ''Jоhn Sеrgеаnt'', Ann Wіddесоmbе, Lеmbіt Opіk
| align="left"| '''The Party Animals:''' Edwina Currie, George Galloway, ''John Sergeant'', Ann Widdecombe, Lembit Opik
| '''£10 500'''
| '''£10 500'''
| 62 (142)
| 62 (142)
| {{дата|12|5|2019}}<br />'''Cеlеbrіtу Spесіаl'''
| {{дата|12|5|2019}}<br />'''Celebrity Special'''
| align="left"| '''The Junglist Massive:''' Jое Pаsquаlе, Kіm Wооdburn, ''Tоnу Blасkburn'', Mаrtіn Rоbеrts, Chrіstоphеr Bіggіns
| align="left"| '''The Junglist Massive:''' Joe Pasquale, Kim Woodburn, ''Tony Blackburn'', Martin Roberts, Christopher Biggins
| £4 000<br />('''£1 000''')
| {{comment|£4 000|сумма перед финалом}}<br />('''{{comment|£1 000|выигрыш}}''')
| 63 (143)
| 63 (143)
| {{дата|5|5|2019}}<br />'''Cеlеbrіtу Spесіаl'''
| {{дата|5|5|2019}}<br />'''Celebrity Special'''
| align="left"| '''The Medal Heads:''' Krіss Akаbusі, Tеssа Sаndеrsоn, ''Iwаn Thоmаs'', Jаdе Jоhnsоn, Shаrrоn Dаvіеs
| align="left"| '''The Medal Heads:''' Kriss Akabusi, Tessa Sanderson, ''Iwan Thomas'', Jade Johnson, Sharron Davies
| '''£38 500'''
| '''£38 500'''
Строка 750: Строка 750:
! 315 участников
! 315 участников
! £379 500<br />(22 победы)
! £379 500<br />(22 победы)
== Четвёртый сезон (2019—2020) ==
{| class="wikitable wikicenter sortable"
! data-sort-type="number"| Выпуск
! Дата эфира
! class="unsortable"| Участники
! class="unsortable"| Банк команды
| 1 (144)
| …
| align="left"| '''…:''' …, …, …, …, …
| £…
| 2 (145)
| …
| align="left"| '''…:''' …, …, …, …, …
| £…
| 3 (146)
| …
| align="left"| '''…:''' …, …, …, …, …
| £…
| 4 (147)
| …
| align="left"| '''…:''' …, …, …, …, …
| £…
| 5 (148)
| …
| align="left"| '''…:''' …, …, …, …, …
| £…
| 6 (149)
| …
| align="left"| '''…:''' …, …, …, …, …
| £…
| 7 (150)
| …
| align="left"| '''…:''' …, …, …, …, …
| £…
| 8 (151)
| …
| align="left"| '''…:''' …, …, …, …, …
| £…
| 9 (152)
| …
| align="left"| '''…:''' …, …, …, …, …
| £…
| 10 (153)
| …
| align="left"| '''…:''' …, …, …, …, …
| £…
| 11 (154)
| …
| align="left"| '''…:''' …, …, …, …, …
| £…
| 12 (155)
| …
| align="left"| '''…:''' …, …, …, …, …
| £…
| 13 (156)
| …
| align="left"| '''…:''' …, …, …, …, …
| £…
| 14 (157)
| …
| align="left"| '''…:''' …, …, …, …, …
| £…
| 15 (158)
| …
| align="left"| '''…:''' …, …, …, …, …
| £…
| 16 (159)
| …
| align="left"| '''…:''' …, …, …, …, …
| £…
| 17 (160)
| …
| align="left"| '''…:''' …, …, …, …, …
| £…
| 18 (161)
| …
| align="left"| '''…:''' …, …, …, …, …
| £…
| 19 (162)
| …
| align="left"| '''…:''' …, …, …, …, …
| £…
| 20 (163)
| …
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| 21 (164)
| …
| align="left"| '''…:''' …, …, …, …, …
| £…
| 22 (165)
| …
| align="left"| '''…:''' …, …, …, …, …
| £…
| 23 (166)
| …
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| £…
| 24 (167)
| …
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| …<br />'''Christmas Special'''
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! colspan=2| 61 выпуск
! 305 участников
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Версия 01:18, 24 июня 2019

Список выпусков, имена и выигрыши участников, статистика игр британской телеигры «Tenable». Курсивом выделены капитаны команд, а сумма, выделенная жирным шрифтом, означает выигрыш в финале.

Первый сезон (2016)

Выпуск Дата эфира Участники Банк команды
1 14 ноября 2016 Account On Us: Ellie Myles-Hook, James Killer, Sarah Lee, Ian McWilliam, Martin Hitchin £12 000
2 15 ноября 2016 The Joyful Cousins: Nef Boafo, Kelly Adonteng, Mamequa Boafo, Adwoa Williams, Kevani Aboagye £6 000
3 16 ноября 2016 C.A.K.E: Katherine (Cathy) Knapp, Katie Mitchell, Amy Rose, Gemma Pearce, Emily Weekes £35 000
4 17 ноября 2016 The Ticket Punchers: Craig Scott, Emma Daley, Gylnn Lowrie, Andrew Roberts, Carl Wheeler £2 000
5 18 ноября 2016 The Schoolboy Errors: Tom Howard, Jack Basson, Dyland Price, Joel Dickinson, Michael Butterworth £18 000
6 21 ноября 2016 The Ship Mates: Grahame Flint, Hazelle Garton, Stephen Prest, Robert Hawkins, Craig Blackburn £22 000
7 22 ноября 2016 The Jock and the Geordies: Dean Dodds, Peter Mays, Daniel Hoyland, Dave Fuggle, Jennifer McPherson £7 000
8 23 ноября 2016 The Kids Are All Right: Joan Winslow, Michael Nightingale, Gillian Nightingale, Jacqueline Winslow, Alex Jones £5 500
9 24 ноября 2016 The Loan Arrangers: Richard Parrott, John Arter, Dave Shaw, Diane Goodwin, Dan Findley-Robinson £37 500
10 25 ноября 2016 Why Aye Lasses: Christina Oxman, Louise Moughan, Kelly Rushworth, Julie Bateman, Vicky Frith £8 500
11 28 ноября 2016 The 30-Somethings: Kira Bailey, Ed Messer, Phil Bassot, Nick Bailey, Harry Ferguson £1 000
12 29 ноября 2016 The Brummie Buddies: Kathie Willetts, Richard Willetts, Elaine Berry, Edwin Berry, Janet Beeston £21 000
13 30 ноября 2016 The Handy Gandhis: Arun Gandhi, Nikita Gandhi, Ashwin Gandhi, Serena Ghandi, Sachin Somaiya £5 000
14 1 декабря 2016 The Fire Extinguishers: Chris Walsh, Liong Tan, James Lafferty, Annabel Bellinger, Neil Vertigans £27 500
15 2 декабря 2016 The Total Legends: Jack Taylor, Ryan Baker, John Peters, Michael Wallis, Gregory Fernando £1 000
16 5 декабря 2016 The Medicine Men: Omar Yaqoob, Rafia Ghani, Kaream Dawoud, Hussam Lone, Talal Khan £1 000
17 6 декабря 2016 The Sunday Club: Freddie Jackson, Grace Jackson, Rosie Jackson, Nikita Jackson, Josh Leeson £1 000
18 7 декабря 2016 Mum's the Word: Christine Brown, William Brown, Tony Brown, Robert Brown, Peter Garwood £7 000
19 8 декабря 2016 The Mighty Wrights: Rosa Wright, Pete Wright, Liz Wright, Beth Crossley, Sam Wright £3 500
20 9 декабря 2016 Kirby Goes Bananas: John (Conor) Devlin, Andrew Banks, Richard Stephenson, Lucy Stephenson, Paul Hurst £1 000
20 выпусков 100 участников £64 500
(5 побед)

Второй сезон (2017—2018)

Выпуск Дата эфира Участники Банк команды
1 (21) 30 октября 2017 Never Mind The Pollocks: Richard Denton, Graham Elphee, Mary Elphee, Hannah Louise Elphee, Mary Elizabeth Elphee £8 000
2 (22) 31 октября 2017 No Complaints: Kevin Hall, Steven Hall, Michael Hall, Julie, Adam Newsam £35 000
3 (23) 1 ноября 2017 Five of Herts: Rhiannon Daniels, Annie Hebington, Stephen Jones, Nicola Beynon, Catherine Price £11 000
4 (24) 2 ноября 2017 Dancing Queens: Martin Jeffries, Alison Morris, Alan Bell, Tina Quinn, Jessica Jackson £1 000
5 (25) 3 ноября 2017 The Jolly Hockey Sticks: Matthew Hill, Gareth Crabbe, Fergus Kinnon, Andrew Byron, Alastair Pamphilon £11 000
6 (26) 6 ноября 2017 Dover the Top: Hannah Yearley, Kyle Blackman, Steven Adams, Devon Walton, Tom Foad £19 500
7 (27) 7 ноября 2017 The Bridal Party: Lucy Cansfield, Amanda Rogers, Marcus Bowen, Rachel Barlow, Cahterine Raynor £2 500
8 (28) 8 ноября 2017 Bag O'Nuts: Keith George, Richard Davies, Susan Jane Nicholson, Janet Swindlehurst, Karen (Kaz) Winter £10 000
9 (29) 9 ноября 2017 Mind The Doors: Raymond Brandt, Daniel Jones, Freddie Knebel, Marvin Clarke, Claire Gill £19 500
10 (30) 10 ноября 2017 Mind Your Landuage: Hannah Molave, Lucy Bryan, Katie Pullan, Brittany Hopkins, Daisy Miller £20 000
11 (31) 13 ноября 2017 Getting Away with I.T.: Joe Holland, Jeanny Luong, Charlotte Gilbert, Noas Saghir, Nick Cobley £500
12 (32) 14 ноября 2017 Under the Radar: Steven Ricketts, David Wyllie, Peter MacLennan, Craig Hughes, George Davis, £21 000
13 (33) 15 ноября 2017 The House of Stuart: Alexander McCutcheon, Daniel John, Stuart Tolman, Jack Brears, Andrew Slinn £8 500
14 (34) 16 ноября 2017 The Scrumpy Pumpies: Rhys Davies, Laura Phelps, Matthew Melhuish, Clive Mallon, Harry Hawks £10 500
15 (35) 17 ноября 2017 Call The Medics: Martin Moody, Kirsty Douglas, James Wilson, James Sullivan, David Morgan £500
16 (36) 20 ноября 2017 The Giant's Quizway: Meabh MacMahon, Stuart Mathieson, Alexander McMillan, Laura Conlan, Sophia Burns £11 000
17 (37) 21 ноября 2017 A Bunch of Five: Lance Bilton, Daniel Markie, Hassan Mumin, Jamie Hicks, Luke Croker £1 000
18 (38) 22 ноября 2017 The Jailhouse Rockers: Paul Seymour, Sharon Wilson, Deborah Rennie, Lisa Duffy-Hare, Russell Fryett £12 000
19 (39) 23 ноября 2017 The 5 Degrees: John-Paul Watson, Anna Burt, Bartholomew (Tolly) Oram, Layla Hillsden, Jed Evamy-Jones £57 500
20 (40) 24 ноября 2017 Five for a Pound: David Leach, Clare Roberts, Steven Gray, Gary Connell, Nigel Palmer £1 000
21 (41) 12 февраля 2018 The Radio Heads: Christopher Birks, Nicholas Osborne, Hayley Hammond, Anna Bingham, Simon Osborne £3 500
22 (42) 13 февраля 2018 The Dragons: June Thomas, Michael Richards, Jan Richards, Dawn Richards, Paul Edmunds £1 000
23 (43) 14 февраля 2018 The Geekosystem: Thomas Ware, Matthew Daniels, Benjamin Hogan, Dominic Barron-Carter, Thomas Logan £43 000
24 (44) 15 февраля 2018 Pop's Quizzers: Oscar Ridout-Magill, Kirsty Ridout, Lee Ridout, Willow Ridout-Magill, Sharon Ridout-Magill £1 000
25 (45) 16 февраля 2018 The Fox and Hounds: Anthony Bodicoat, Mark Bodicoat, Susan Bodicoat, David Bodicoat, Christopher Townsend £4 000
26 (46) 19 февраля 2018 Wilkie's Warriors: Michael Wilkinson, Colin Wilkinson, Margaret Wilkinson, Nicola Olson, Gavin Bradbury £13 500
27 (47) 20 февраля 2018 The Drag Queens: Proud Mary, Carmen Dioxide (Simon Wilson), Chamonix Aspen, Electric Blue (Adam Readman), Manila Rice £2 000
28 (48) 21 февраля 2018 Squad Goals: Matthew Rozee, Thomas Page, Thomas Lott, Ben Greenlaugh, Gregory Bull £2 000
29 (49) 22 февраля 2018 The Wisdom Teeth: Laura Wright, Elizabeth Griffiths, Revi Talati, Kelly Broad, Hayley Smith £1 000
30 (50) 23 февраля 2018 The Canny Banters: Andrew Riley, Stephen Roberts, David Dixon, Carly Sutton, Courtney Thompson £8 500
31 (51) 26 февраля 2018 Quizzy McQuizface: Derek Mitchell, Natasha Murphy, Keith McLevey, Colin Burns, Gordon Burns £2 500
32 (52) 27 февраля 2018 The Toon Army: Daniel Screen, Georgia Kerrison, Daniel McLeod, Matthew McLeod, Jack Whitfield £3 500
33 (53) 28 февраля 2018 The Boyos: Samule Lucott-Rees, Kieran, James Cartwright, Gareth Bateman, Simon Lewis £15 000
34 (54) 1 марта 2018 The Five Tenors: Paul Raymond, Courtney Smith, Alan Walker, Catherine Enos, Mark Wearing £27 500
35 (55) 2 марта 2018 Job's a Good'un: Wayne Ashton, Kelly Anne, Michelle Handley, William (Lloyd) Orr, Matthew Bosson £500
36 (56) 5 марта 2018 Wham Bam Famalam: Joanna Aikins, aunty Susan Pierpoint, James Aikins, Olivia Aikins, Sharni Aikins £1 000
37 (57) 6 марта 2018 The Dad's Club: Paul Bradley, Jeremy (Jo) Alden, Scott Goodwin, Lee Dransfield, Jonathan Harper £7 000
38 (58) 7 марта 2018 Hashtag Lads: Connor Jipps, Andrew Griffiths, Archie Barrow, Matthew Bartlett, Paul Cooper-Bland £13 500
39 (59) 8 марта 2018 The Regulars: Tony Goodman, Sarah Ross, Gary Goodman, Benjamin Holland, Chris Sturtridge £22 500
40 (60) 9 марта 2018 The Popcorn Sweepers: Matthew Crickmore, Emily De-Wilton Holmes, Troy Balmayer, Matthew "Cookie" Cook, Matthew "Eccles" Ecclestone £2 000
41 (61) 16 апреля 2018 The Neighbourhood Watch: Anthony Brannigan, Colette Murray, Philip Murray, Mary Janikowska, Mark Wall £8 000
42 (62) 17 апреля 2018 Odd Man In: Koren, Michaela, Paul, Wayne, Liesa £4 500
43 (63) 18 апреля 2018 The Cardiff Baes: Abigail MacArthur, Kim Brown, Louise Payne, Cristina Williamson, Gemma Treharne-Foose £7 500
44 (64) 19 апреля 2018 The Jet Setters: Thomas, Vicky P., Karl, Christie, Vicky D. £40 000
45 (65) 20 апреля 2018 Milk and Four Sugars: Chaudhry (Ali) Allahdin, Michael Ruan, Thomas Fillingham, Keith Hyland, David Lamb £45 000
46 (66) 23 апреля 2018 The Cheeky Monkey Hangers: Robert Cross, Darren Rowbotham, Paul Fryer, Jonathan Prestledge, Stuart Drummond £1 000
47 (67) 24 апреля 2018 The In-Laws: Jamie Higgins, Charlotte Higgins, Darryl Higgins, Susan Crine, Geoffrey Crine £38 500
48 (68) 25 апреля 2018 The Sonic Screwdrivers: Michael Bell, Garry Bradbury, Dion Paul Griggs, Graeme Allen, Mark Woods £3 000
49 (69) 26 апреля 2018 The Hard Shoulders: Siobhan Thompson, Earl Rozario, Brian Durand, Laura Lydiate, David Robinson £12 000
50 (70) 27 апреля 2018 All At Sea: Karen Walters, Alison Attwood, Claire Graham, Jacqueline Drewett, Rosalyn Saunders £3 500
51 (71) 30 апреля 2018 The Moscow Mules: Robert Scott, Jane Scott, Ross Hunter, Samantha Alker-Hunter, Andrew Fairbrother £2 000
52 (72) 1 мая 2018 Natural Brawn Winners: Oliver Truelove, Connor Minney, Louis Pennocks, Jamie Copley, Shannon Belcastro £37 500
53 (73) 2 мая 2018 Pedigree Chums: Ian Robinson, Lynn Jenkins, John Maloney, Gillian Yeates, John Paynter £3 500
54 (74) 3 мая 2018 The Tea Party: Jessica Midgley, Flurin Elsner, James Levine, Oliver Edwards, Max Rowe-Brown £13 500
55 (75) 4 мая 2018 The Munition Technicians: Micahel Dover, Scott Evans, Michael Boxall, Daniel Vaughan, Carol Wright £35 000
56 (76) 7 мая 2018 Hel's Angels: Catherine Rowlands, Mark Jackson, Helen Elizabeth, Kevin Potts, Andrew Hicks £4 500
57 (77) 8 мая 2018 The Staff Roomies: Stephen Downey, Andrew Bates, Andrew Milligan, Vic Panjanaden, Jane Simmons £17 500
58 (78) 9 мая 2018 The Tri-hards: Andrew Milne, Lisa Carrie, James Taylor, James Hutchinson, Joseph Fowkes £6 000
59 (79) 10 мая 2018 Friends United: Lisha Arcsher, Manpreet (Reena) Pardesi, Bina Bharti, Rachel Sassoon-Serkes, Bina MacKenzie £2 500
60 (80) 11 мая 2018 The Worcester Saucepots: Rob, Miles, Stephen, Keith, Tom £2 000
60 выпусков 300 участников £241 500
(18 побед)

Третий сезон (2018—2019)

Выпуск Дата эфира Участники Банк команды
1 (81) 12 сентября 2018 The Bean Counters: Daniel Turner, Sarah Cole, Paul Meades, Rachael Lyons, Paula Bailey £7 000
2 (82) 1 октября 2018 The Eager Beaverstocks: Grace Beaverstock, Sonia Beaverstock, John Beaverstock, Jade Sparkes, Emily Beaverstock £2 500
3 (83) 18 февраля 2019 Safe As Houses: Christopher Sorenson, Matthew Humphreys, Christopher Fray, Adrian Phillips, David McGovern £20 000
4 (84) 10 сентября 2018 The 5-a Teesiders: Eleanor Younis, Jameil Younis, David Gallagher, Joanne Sellers, Nicole Wilson £8 000
5 (85) 6 сентября 2018 Sister's Are Doing It For Their Blokes: Casper Du Buisson, Kelly Du Buisson, Stefanie Harding, Aaron Bright, Paul Harding £16 000
6 (86) 19 февраля 2019 The Cider Apples: Russell Pigden, Hope Dunbar, Thomas Samotyj, Simon Elliott, Michael Mouzoure £1 000
7 (87) 20 февраля 2019 The Liver Birds. And Terry: Paula Dilks, Toni Dilks, Terry Dilks, Jamie Dilks, Terri Dilks £3 500
8 (88) 4 сентября 2018 The Dear Oh Dears: Karen French, Graham Dear, Julie Dear, Sarah Long, Helen Brookes £16 000
9 (89) 14 сентября 2018 The Sticky Wickets: Palle Quinn, Sam Sadler, Richard Cupples, Rebecca Grantham, Matthew Strong £11 000
10 (90) 11 сентября 2018 The Letterheads: Wayne Kelly, Natalie Zolty, Christopher Harrison, Kathryn Richland, Robert Richland £12 500
11 (91) 5 сентября 2018 The Cat Rescuers: Mark Atkin, Robert Over, William Dziadkiewicz, Richard Wright, Mark Patterson £12 000
12 (92) 5 октября 2018 Leaves on the Line: Stephen Barker, Simon Greaves, Rachel Harthill, Phil Hughes, Stephen Saul £25 000
13 (93) 22 февраля 2019 Something Fishy: Scott Turner, Daniel Turner, Mark Dodson, Jade Dodson, Kenneth Dodson £7 500
14 (94) 13 сентября 2018 Sunny Side Up: Richard Oldfield, Benjamin Lee, Sukhvinder (Sunny) Atwal, Jonathan Loveridge, Matthew Pearce £7 000
15 (95) 7 сентября 2018 The Common People: Jeremy Smith, Alison Smith, Sue Rawlins, Leigh Rawlins, Andy Brown £42 000
16 (96) 9 октября 2018 The Sunday Best: Abigail Parker, Mary Holland, Sarah Johnstone, Kathryn Moran, Ricahrd Poole £30 000
17 (97) 12 октября 2018 I'm With The Band: Michael Hall, Ian Sheppard, James Clark Coslett-Hughes, Frazer Sheppard, Adam Harris £6 000
18 (98) 11 февраля 2019 University Challenged: Victoria Smith, Nathan Defraine, Taylah Garner, Liam Wilson, Ayesha Long £21 000
19 (99) 2 октября 2018 The Brainy Bunch: Grant Gibson, Barbara Gibson, Lizzie Gibson, Heather Gibson, Ross Gibson £17 000
20 (100) 21 февраля 2019 The Playground Pals: Michael Woodhams, Jonathan Baker, Michael Major, Matthew Hales, Sam Turner £40 000
21 (101) 4 октября 2018 The Yummy Brummies: Robert Comins, Kelly Lea, Garry Dixon, Lucy Dixon, Karl Hempenstall £15 000
22 (102) 10 октября 2018 The Sweet Sherries: Jade Sherry, Elaine Sherry, Gerard Sherry, Leighann Sherry, Gary Hamilton £5 000
23 (103) 14 февраля 2019 The Variety Pack: Peter Tosney, Gayle Harland, Phillip Yates, Lisa Moffat, Jonathan Powell £25 000
24 (104) 3 сентября 2018 The Maybe Wabes: Thomas Buddell, Yasmin Clayton, Claire Ball, Paul Wabe, Alison Wabe £32 000
25 (105) 30 января 2019 The Memory Foam Five: Paul Winters, Graham Hunter, David Kenworthy, Faye Beardshaw, Shane Goodwin £3 500
26 (106) 19 сентября 2018 Quiz Beasts From The South East: Paul Andrews, Tanya Gilzean, Claire-Louise Molony, Joe Molony, Elliot Costi £14 500
27 (107) 27 февраля 2019 We Have Clift Off: Ellie Raphael, Finton Ramana, Annie Clift, Alice Clift, Alfie Fitzgerald £1 000
28 (108) 5 февраля 2019 A-Holyhead of the Game: Natasha Johnston, Emily Hazelaar, Nicholas Hazelaar, Sophie Collenette, Christopher Pratt £3 000
29 (109) 25 сентября 2018 Charlie's Angels: Tracey Edwards, Samuel Edwards, Charlotte Drummond, Jodie Drummond, Andrew Drummond £12 000
30 (110) 28 сентября 2018 Sweet Little Mistrys: Hinesh Mistry, Bhaven Mistry, Kishanial Mistry, Atul Mistry, Vikseh Mistry £1 000
31 (111) 17 сентября 2018 The Well Good Welbourns: Hannah Vint, Daniel Welbourn, Mark Curtis, Leanne Welbourn, David £3 000
32 (112) 26 сентября 2018 The Hook, Line and Sinkers: Philip Martin, David Langstone, Brian Farrow, William Fenn, Kenneth Bartle £1 000
33 (113) 4 марта 2019 The Total Liabilities: Conor Downes, Sabana Ali, Thomas Fitzpatrick, Michael Jones, Saeed Aristotle £3 500
34 (114) 20 сентября 2018 The Second Class Males: Andrew Hill, Robert Strickland, Andrew Dowling, Michael Black, Christopher Manson £16 000
35 (115) 7 февраля 2019 Hearts and Minds: James Clark, Paul Uwagobe, Amy Collins, Mariel McCovern, Graeme Fox £1 000
36 (116) 15 февраля 2019 All Along For The Wride: Hannah Wride, Stpehen Wride, Heather Wride, Alexander Wride, Michael Wride £50 000
37 (117) 12 февраля 2019 Up The Geek Without A Paddle: Timothy Bearpark, Christopher Beattie, Timothy Spargow, Lori-Ann Wyatt, Sean McKenna £29 500
38 (118) 24 сентября 2018 The School Blazers: Shefik Vurdu, James Nicol, Adam Illingworth, Miguel Williams, Niyazi Unugur £7 500
39 (119) 3 октября 2018 Kent Hold Us Down: Amanjeet Oberai, Ravneet Khabra, Mavrinder Dhotar, Gurpreet Dhotar, Jasbir Singh Binning £10 000
40 (120) 28 февраля 2019 Finch Perfect: Simon Aaron Joe Lord, Charlene Finch, Thomas Finch, Benjamin Finch, Gopika Blakhia £12 000
41 (121) 21 сентября 2018 A Family Affair: Rebecca Perry, Jeanette Perry, Daniela Powell, Stephen Powell, Emily Powell £7 000
42 (122) 25 февраля 2019 The Dial Tones: Trevor Boswell, Gemma Larkin, Peter Richards, Alan Grainger, Alfred Mulroy £4 500
43 (123) 28 января 2019 The Neo-It-Alls: Kirsty Highgate, Clare Louise Miller, Lucy Brough, Chloe Stephens, Leanne Grant £3 500
44 (124) 27 сентября 2018 Young's Offenders: Gareth Humpage, Louisa Humpage, Helen Young, Ann Arden, Jennifer Tomlinson £7 000
45 (125) 8 февраля 2019 That's Showquiz: Bob Carr, Katie-Ann Potter, Yasmin Bianca Harrison, Glen Murphy, Ashley Glazebrook £8 500
46 (126) 13 февраля 2019 Stay Tuned: Hadiru Mahdi, Andrea Phillips, Nadeem Din-Gabisi, Rahamatallah Oluwakemi Sophia Onabule, Dwayne Kilvington £4 500
47 (127) 8 марта 2019 Off Their Trolleys: Carrie-Amber Towsey, Lewis Britchford, Matthew Mottola, Jacqueline Mottola, Laura Mottola £11 000
48 (128) 4 февраля 2019 The Bonnie Scots: Gillian Beattie, Chi Ta, Catherine Mitchell, Margaret Morris, Yvonne Beggs £2 000
49 (129) 18 сентября 2018 Wheely Clever: David Morgan, David Daniels, Mark Orsmond, Marie Annette Hassett, Roland Lee £1 000
50 (130) 29 января 2019 Good Squad Almighty: Tiffany Jackson, Gideon Odubayo, Jessica Laditan, Akintunde Laditan, Abimbola Olukanni £1 000
51 (131) 11 октября 2018 The Cherry On Topsies: Nigel Burch, Siobhan Lanigan, Topsie Redfern (Nathan Kiely), Peter Blowers, Ian Spagnuolo £30 000
52 (132) 6 февраля 2019 5 Swans A Quizzing: Katharine Chivers, Alexander Lee, John Roberts, Akash Chibber, Tristan Allen £11 000
53 (133) 26 февраля 2019 We're So Nervous We Could Uke: Andrew Curtis, Marie Christina Laing, Keith Woodhouse, Andy Mabbutt, Hussein El-Bahrawy £5 000
54 (134) 7 марта 2019 The Frizbee Quizbees: Karina Cooper, Adam Lothian, Andrew Sluman, Charles Galloway, Sean Colfer £53 500
55 (135) 1 марта 2019 The A Cappella Fellas: Marian Taylor, Veronica Comparni, Gordon Loughran, Denise Noice, Michael Abbott £3 500
56 (136) 8 октября 2018 The Choirstarters: Christine Ekpengyong, Jordan Anderson, Hikima Jewu, Andrew Riley, Nicole Kamara £8 000
57 (137) 6 марта 2019 The Sister Act: Andrea Hull, Michelle Mullings, Shana Lewis, Maureen Polin, Shenneth Brereton £3 500
58 (138) 1 февраля 2019 Some Mothers Do 'Ave 4 Of 'Em: Rosie Luce, George Edmond, Charlie Edmond, Ben Edmond, Vivienne Edmond £6 000
59 (139) 31 января 2019 The Middlesex Symbols: Gurol (Giz) Kurt, Michael Sumpter, James Tierney, Daniel Edgeson, Kenny Rose £23 000
60 (140) 5 марта 2019 For What It's Butterworth: Roger Butterworth, Helen Butterworth, Sylvia Butterworth, Elizabeth Hough, Andrew Butterworth £2 500
61 (141) 19 мая 2019
Celebrity Special
The Party Animals: Edwina Currie, George Galloway, John Sergeant, Ann Widdecombe, Lembit Opik £10 500
62 (142) 12 мая 2019
Celebrity Special
The Junglist Massive: Joe Pasquale, Kim Woodburn, Tony Blackburn, Martin Roberts, Christopher Biggins £4 000
(£1 000)
63 (143) 5 мая 2019
Celebrity Special
The Medal Heads: Kriss Akabusi, Tessa Sanderson, Iwan Thomas, Jade Johnson, Sharron Davies £38 500
63 выпуска 315 участников £379 500
(22 победы)

Четвёртый сезон (2019—2020)

Выпуск Дата эфира Участники Банк команды
1 (144) …: …, …, …, …, … £…
2 (145) …: …, …, …, …, … £…
3 (146) …: …, …, …, …, … £…
4 (147) …: …, …, …, …, … £…
5 (148) …: …, …, …, …, … £…
6 (149) …: …, …, …, …, … £…
7 (150) …: …, …, …, …, … £…
8 (151) …: …, …, …, …, … £…
9 (152) …: …, …, …, …, … £…
10 (153) …: …, …, …, …, … £…
11 (154) …: …, …, …, …, … £…
12 (155) …: …, …, …, …, … £…
13 (156) …: …, …, …, …, … £…
14 (157) …: …, …, …, …, … £…
15 (158) …: …, …, …, …, … £…
16 (159) …: …, …, …, …, … £…
17 (160) …: …, …, …, …, … £…
18 (161) …: …, …, …, …, … £…
19 (162) …: …, …, …, …, … £…
20 (163) …: …, …, …, …, … £…
21 (164) …: …, …, …, …, … £…
22 (165) …: …, …, …, …, … £…
23 (166) …: …, …, …, …, … £…
24 (167) …: …, …, …, …, … £…
25 (168) …: …, …, …, …, … £…
26 (169) …: …, …, …, …, … £…
27 (170) …: …, …, …, …, … £…
28 (171) …: …, …, …, …, … £…
29 (172) …: …, …, …, …, … £…
30 (173) …: …, …, …, …, … £…
31 (174) …: …, …, …, …, … £…
32 (175) …: …, …, …, …, … £…
33 (176) …: …, …, …, …, … £…
34 (177) …: …, …, …, …, … £…
35 (178) …: …, …, …, …, … £…
36 (179) …: …, …, …, …, … £…
37 (180) …: …, …, …, …, … £…
38 (181) …: …, …, …, …, … £…
39 (182) …: …, …, …, …, … £…
40 (183) …: …, …, …, …, … £…
41 (184) …: …, …, …, …, … £…
42 (185) …: …, …, …, …, … £…
43 (186) …: …, …, …, …, … £…
44 (187) …: …, …, …, …, … £…
45 (188) …: …, …, …, …, … £…
46 (189) …: …, …, …, …, … £…
47 (190) …: …, …, …, …, … £…
48 (191) …: …, …, …, …, … £…
49 (192) …: …, …, …, …, … £…
50 (193) …: …, …, …, …, … £…
51 (194) …: …, …, …, …, … £…
52 (195) …: …, …, …, …, … £…
53 (196) …: …, …, …, …, … £…
54 (197) …: …, …, …, …, … £…
55 (198) …: …, …, …, …, … £…
56 (199) …: …, …, …, …, … £…
57 (200) …: …, …, …, …, … £…
58 (201) …: …, …, …, …, … £…
59 (202) …: …, …, …, …, … £…
60 (203) …: …, …, …, …, … £…
61 (204)
Christmas Special
…: …, …, …, …, … £…
61 выпуск 305 участников £…
(… побед)